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The city that never sleeps


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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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The city that never sleepsMar 07 Mai 2013, 00:03
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The city that never sleeps

Noah never gets lost. Never. Ever. So where the fuck was he and why was he lost ? It was the fourth time he stood still, scanning the horizon with the hope of finding any reference point he could use, but it was no use. His mind couldn't track his location. What's the fucking use of being a mutant if your ability keeps fucking everything up ? Shit. He kicked a can, his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans, and sighed. This was bad. He had promised Gage he'd be back by 7, and according to his cellphone - which couldn't find a signal - it was currently 6:30. He'd be in deep shit if he was late. Gage was one of the last people on earth you wanted to get angry. The little guy wasn't the most patient person in the world, and especially loathed waiting for Noah. But this was hardly his fault, right ? He simply had no clue where he was. The streets still looked like the common New York streets, but it had suddenly gotten really dark. Furthermore, the silence was nerve-racking.

New York City, the city that never sleeps, was dead.

Dernière édition par Siparti le Mar 21 Avr 2020, 12:45, édité 3 fois



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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 01 Sep 2017, 00:28
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Cookies? :

Oooookay. Nothing to worry about. Really. A walk in the park. No view, no escape, no memory. All good. For a second, she considered screaming as a valuable answer to her anxiety. Then she slowly breathed in and slowly breathed out. And did nothing more. Whatever will be will be. She just stood there and waited for the guy to do something relevant. And smart, hopefully.

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Re: The city that never sleepsDim 10 Sep 2017, 13:18

Okay, you know what? Fuck the system. That was the smart and relevant thing she was waiting for? It mustn't be, right? I'm done playing this game. The killer-robots can all go fuck themselves. He walked up to the dirty windows. There was a door — a lonely, solemn door — on the opposite side that they were obviously meant to take as it was the only route available, but Noah had decided that he had had enough. His fist smashed right against the window... and then you just heard him swear. He had obviously hurt himself more than he had hurt the window, which still stood tall, strong and unbroken.


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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 10 Nov 2017, 19:19
Yeepeeee ! :

Okay, yep, nope, it wasn't indeed the smart and relevant thing she was waiting for. It turned out that sometimes, you really had to do things by yourself. Smart things or not. And obviously, you could't trust the guy who smashed himself against a window. On purpose . Well, I'm going to try the regular way. For now. Whatever it is. Still, she had that bad feeling that the killer-robot thing he said wasn't really a joke.

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Re: The city that never sleepsLun 15 Avr 2019, 00:39
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)

Seriously? You know that's just what they expect us to do, right? Where's your sense of rebellion? he said, exasperated. Besides, I'm sick of having to explain the situation to you every damn time you cross their weird blue barrier. No way, man. I said I'm done, so we're done. End of story. Well, there was still the issue of getting OFF the beaten path, but Noah was pretty damn sure he'd find a solution for that. There must be something of use around here...


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Re: The city that never sleepsLun 15 Avr 2019, 01:26
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Oooooh, that's why! She wasn't losing her mind, she really was losing her memory faster than usual. And that, my man, was a serious, damn good reason not to go the regular way. Okay genius. She said. If you have a better idea than throwing yourself against a plexiglas window, I'm your man. Woman. You know. She waved a "don't mind me" gesture. Anyway. How do we go off track?


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Re: The city that never sleepsLun 15 Avr 2019, 11:29
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)

He glared at her but conveniently moved past that embarrassing episode. (Although maybe he should push her through the blue barrier just so she would forget it ever happened. (I'll be honest, he seriously contemplated this. A man's ego Noah's ego is fragile.)) We break that damn window, obviously. Just need to figure out... how.


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Re: The city that never sleepsDim 21 Avr 2019, 13:57

I, the narrator, wouldn't take Noah responsible for having her forget that. That wasn't nice. Cause she's not, obviously. Anyway she took a look around, but all they had was this weird cube with hearts on it. Did the makers really think it would make them feel better? Or be more comfortable with the situation? She dropped her portal gun and tried to lift it up with her bear hands. Gosh, too heavy. But I guess if we manage to throw it against the window...

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Re: The city that never sleepsSam 04 Mai 2019, 19:48
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)

Noah may not have the brain, but he had the muscle. (At least that's what he prided himself on. If there was any chance he'd fail to carry that cube, he'd for sure throw Unknown through the blue barrier. Another embarrassing scenario to avoid.) Let me, he said confidently. Thankfully, holding the cube was manageable. He wondered whether he'd have enough power left to throw it though. Hm, we might need momentum somehow. I don't think I'll be able to throw it with enough force.


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Re: The city that never sleepsJeu 09 Mai 2019, 23:38

Shit. Even with the two of them, throw the thing was no picnic. Suddenly, a voice popped out and made her jump. Surprisingly, it was a gentle mechanic voice. It seemed like a long time registered message, but the accuracy of it was quite disturbing. My fellow test subjects, Aperture Science is proud to announce that the portal gun is not only a portal gun. By using the right button, you can lift heavy materials and solve tricky puzzles… Have fun with Aperture Science! She blinked.

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