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The city that never sleeps


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The city that never sleepsMar 07 Mai 2013, 00:03
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The city that never sleeps

Noah never gets lost. Never. Ever. So where the fuck was he and why was he lost ? It was the fourth time he stood still, scanning the horizon with the hope of finding any reference point he could use, but it was no use. His mind couldn't track his location. What's the fucking use of being a mutant if your ability keeps fucking everything up ? Shit. He kicked a can, his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans, and sighed. This was bad. He had promised Gage he'd be back by 7, and according to his cellphone - which couldn't find a signal - it was currently 6:30. He'd be in deep shit if he was late. Gage was one of the last people on earth you wanted to get angry. The little guy wasn't the most patient person in the world, and especially loathed waiting for Noah. But this was hardly his fault, right ? He simply had no clue where he was. The streets still looked like the common New York streets, but it had suddenly gotten really dark. Furthermore, the silence was nerve-racking.

New York City, the city that never sleeps, was dead.

Dernière édition par Siparti le Mar 21 Avr 2020, 12:45, édité 3 fois



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Re: The city that never sleepsMar 22 Mar 2016, 13:47
Ok, here you go:

Pff, what an idiot. They literally just learned how to do it and she already messed up? Obviously this chick wasn't reliable. Noah didn't comment (IT'S A MIRACLE, PRAISE JESUS) and simply walked through Unknown's portal so he could walk onto the platform. C'mon, what are you waiting for?


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Re: The city that never sleepsMar 22 Mar 2016, 23:24
Thanks. *draws... pretty badly, actually* :

(Dear Jesus... Ok sorry, let's start again.) She stepped through the portal and soon was on the platform with him. The door opened right when she arrived and she said: This is fucking funny. I don't know where we're going but I like it. Then she passed through the door and the translucent blue field... And she forgot again. She got down the stairs and the lift appeared. Oh boy! She  thought. Where am I again?

Dernière édition par Alyaa le Sam 26 Mar 2016, 00:37, édité 1 fois

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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 25 Mar 2016, 13:18
You look even worse now:

You look so damn confused all the time. Noah commented, watching her face skeptically. Maybe it was just her neutral face, like how some chicks have a resting bitch face, but Noah had a real* bad feeling about it. He really didn't need any more shit today (was it still "today"?) and Unknown looked like a whole bunch of shit tied neatly together in one shitty brain.

*not correct grammatically: normally you'd say "really bad feeling", but "real bad" is slang


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Re: The city that never sleepsSam 26 Mar 2016, 00:50
No, I- ... Okay you're right... What have I done? éè :

Yeah she was confused. She usually had to deal with memory loss when she woke up. But she had not slept right before they ended up here, right? Something was so wrong about this place. She stepped into the elevator and asked: For how long do you think we've been here? And his face actually ringed a bell, which meant they hadn't just met.

Dernière édition par Alyaa le Mar 17 Mai 2016, 22:10, édité 1 fois

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Re: The city that never sleepsJeu 21 Avr 2016, 12:08
I knew you'd regret this.:

Noah shrugged. No fucking idea. His attitude clearly showed he didn't care either. His priority was finding what had wiped humanity away. Who cares about sleep and food and the bare necessities? Something was trying to kill them and he had found a funny gun. Life didn't make sense anymore. Keeping track of time was just a silly notion, really.


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Re: The city that never sleepsMar 17 Mai 2016, 22:27
So why didn't you tell me? :

Okay, shouldn't expect any hints from that guy, I guess. The lift stopped and they stepped out of it. They entered a big room seperated by some kind of... water? No, definitely not. It looked more like petrol or something. The room was white on their side and rusty on the other side. On the left, there was a pole with a red button, and on the right, there was a much bigger button on the floor. Bewildered, Unknown pressed the little button. A sound echoed and a cube fell from nowhere –correction– from a tube above.

Dernière édition par Alyaa le Dim 03 Juil 2016, 13:44, édité 1 fois

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Re: The city that never sleepsMer 15 Juin 2016, 00:12
I didn't think you'd randomly shave your eyebrows.:

Noah witnessed the cube fall into the liquid and disintegrate. That looks like acid, he commented, and we'll want to avoid falling in... A genius deduction. It was to be expected of him, really. Everything that came out of Noah's mouth was golden.


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Re: The city that never sleepsDim 03 Juil 2016, 14:00
I though it was a good idea... Not sure about that, right now :

Right. Said Unknown with a bit of disdain. So what now? How do we reach the exit? Unaware of the previous rooms, she'd forgotten about the portal gun again, so she was looking for any mechanism (hidden bridge or whatever) that would allow them to cross the pool safely. She stepped on the big button on the floor and a flat blue line appeared up in the air.

Dernière édition par Alyaa le Ven 08 Juil 2016, 13:06, édité 1 fois

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Re: The city that never sleepsJeu 07 Juil 2016, 16:30

Huh. So I guess we use the bridge. Noah remarked. Though if Unknown wanted to get across, she'd have to get off the button, and if she did, the bridge would disappear. Ok, I get it. We need that cube to make sure neither of us is standing on the button and we can both use the bridge. The thing he didn't like was that this test apparently required some trust. If he was standing on that bridge to catch the cube, and Unknown stepped aside, it was "bye-bye Noah"... and Noah was not a trusting person.


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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 08 Juil 2016, 13:26
Unknown only got it because he said it – that and the fact that the bridge appeared right where the cube had fallen. But she didn't know how they would reach the bridge yet. She looked at the gun with bafflement but before she figured out its purpose, Noah was already using it to put the bridge down. She tried not to look too amazed and held herself back from using the gun too.

Can you make them grow again? :

Dernière édition par Alyaa le Ven 15 Juil 2016, 01:07, édité 1 fois

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Re: The city that never sleepsMer 13 Juil 2016, 14:09
Definitely not.:

He was about to continue figuring out the rest of the puzzle when he stopped dead in his tracks. Apparently, our favorite blue-haired idiot had found something. Hey, am I dreaming or is that panel kinda... broken? He pointed towards the opposite side of the bridge, where one of the white panels that made up the room seemed to have been bent enough make a human body slide behind it. Behind the decor? Why?


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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 15 Juil 2016, 01:28
So you've got no magic in you? D8 :

Wow, maybe they wouldn't have to cross the pool, after all. Without second thought, she moved from her position, making the bridge disappear. Lucky Noah: he wasn't on it yet. And as a matter of fact, he was right, the panel was broken. Unknown had a look behind: it was gloomy but passable. Should we try this way?

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Re: The city that never sleepsDim 07 Aoû 2016, 12:52
Why on earth would I?:

Listen... either we continue on this death course with the risk of either of us falling in a pool of acid, OR we say fuck this, bend the rules, and stop playing the fucking game. I know what I'm choosing. The answer seemed so logical that he didn't even consider Unknown might wanna try something else entirely. Noah was already en route.


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Re: The city that never sleepsSam 03 Sep 2016, 19:22
I don't know, maybe because you should! :

She didn't intend to argue with him anyway. He was right and she asked only because she wasn't sure that he was the kind of guy to bend the rules. And obviously, she didn't want to go on her own. Not being able to remember anything before five minutes ago was disturbing enough. What the hell was wrong with this place? And what the hell was wrong with her?!

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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 07 Oct 2016, 23:36
You're right. Maybe I should.:

YOLO. Whatever was outside of these creepyass white rooms must be better than... well, these creepyass white rooms. Even just the fact that they were rebelling against the system (YOLO, again) that tried to push them on this parcours proved to Noah they were doing the right wrong thing. And... well... YOLO. Prepare yourself. It might not be as "friendly" behind the scenes, said the guy who just avoided a fall into deadly acid.


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Re: The city that never sleepsMer 22 Mar 2017, 02:27
Yeah, so... Are you gonna do something about it? :

Yeah, right. She said. Having no memory of the past rooms, she still said it with a little hint of "friendly would definitely not be the word I'd choose for this place". I mean, the acid pool alone was a powerfull human being repellent! She followed the guy behind the broken panel and discovered an in-wall, well, pretty messy but not as creepy as expected. The test subjects are not allowed out of the test chambers. The staff would be most grateful if you would step back into the room. Said a metallic voice.

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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 28 Avr 2017, 01:55
I can't.:

"Most grateful", my ass, Noah muttered. If that metallic bitch wants to stop us, she's gonna have to try harder. He proceeded with his escape, entering a room that only seemed to host a fire escape. Stairs. That made sense, considering the elevators they previously took. Ok, lets see what's up there. The climb up commenced.


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Re: The city that never sleepsLun 01 Mai 2017, 13:09
Gh- You're killing me, you know that? :

There was a lot of noise around them, like a factory or something. And sparkles. They stood now on a footbridge and the space on the left was so big they couldn't even see the floor underneath. On the right, moving panels were changing the shape of the wall. At the end of the footbridge, in front of them, was a narrow passage to the darkness. The place is so very creepy. What are we doing here again?

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Re: The city that never sleepsLun 01 Mai 2017, 16:11
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I might be aware:

Damned if I know. Noah sighed. He thought it was a rhetorical question. Like "why are we even here ?" Frankly, he couldn't give her a good reason anyway. It's like his memory was slipping. He still remembers a dead city, the car, the cabin, then the factory... but why did they come here again ? Logic wants him to answer "because this is the only logical course of action", except it wasn't logical at all. If the earth was silent and the only thing left alive was weird killer robots and one silly factory in the middle of nowhere, surely that's the last place you go to, right ? Ah well.


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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 21 Juil 2017, 00:47
Soooo maybe you could draw some for me? :

Well well well... So she wasn't going to have any answer this way. Too subtle, I guess. And not at all logical for him to answer that question in a different way since she obviously should know how she got there in the first place. Well then, she was to ask directly. She stopped dead. Okay. I have ten minutes memory, tops. What are we doing here? This... facility seems way too dangerous for... any living being.

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Re: The city that never sleepsJeu 27 Juil 2017, 14:28
Alright, give me a pencil.:

... you lost your memory again ? But you didn't even sleep ! Don't tell him it's mutating or something. God, that's the last thing he needs. Soon they'll be down to the speed round where her memory only lasts for 30 seconds. Like a fucking goldfish. Okay, breathe, Noah. In and out. Be at peace. He groaned and massaged his face like an old man with too many kids. Okay... okay... So... here's the thing... I don't feel like explaining. Well how gallant ! You probably wouldn't believe me anyway.


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Re: The city that never sleepsVen 28 Juil 2017, 01:18
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Here... :

She stared at him with disbelief. After a pool of acid? I seriously doubt that but okay. She said. I don't like the sound of that like at all, but still, is there something I should be careful about? Only that. Just to known. I mean, if there was bigfoots or, I don't known, evil clowns, she needed to be prepared. At least, as prepared as you can be in such a situation.

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Re: The city that never sleepsMar 22 Aoû 2017, 17:09
Aaaaand, there you go. New eyebrows!:

What's the point ? You'll forget in 10 minutes. Nah. I seriously do not feel like repeating myself. Just follow me and don't die. And that's that. Conversation over. It's not like she would care for very long, cause there was another blue-ish barrier ahead. She'd forget this conversation anyway. Man, that's crap!


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Re: The city that never sleepsMar 22 Aoû 2017, 18:46
Cool! D'you have a mirror? :

Yeah, he was probably right. She just wasn't used to forget that fast. Don't die, don't die. She mumbled. Easy to s–. Blue-ish barrier happened. She blinked for a second... A guy (knew the face), an open space (cold and messy), and some really dirty windows that you couldn't see through. Or maybe you could but there wasn't much to see.

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Re: The city that never sleepsMer 23 Aoû 2017, 02:15
What more do you need from me ?:

Damn. This place gets worse by the minute. He muttered. Noah wasn't entirely convinced this was the easiest way out of here after all. Actually he wasn't entirely convinced this was a way out at all. They were probably just throwing themselves deeper into killer-robot infested waters. His ability was completely useless. The "THERE IS NO ESCAPE" written in red liquid (blood?) on the opposite side of the room wasn't very reassuring either.

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