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Paradise Sam 22 Jan 2011, 23:38
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You have GOT to be kidding me ! She just stood there. Annoyed look on her face, hands resting on her hips and clearly not happy to be there. If I find out what selfish bastard sent me here... he'll regret being born. Gwendolyn. Not the nicest person to be in paradise with. Right ?

Dernière édition par Siparti le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 23:01, édité 3 fois



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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 16:01
Oh no, please don't ! It's going to be okay, Miss. We all just need to calm down and think about a way to get out of here. He tried to stop the girl from running around like an airhead by taking her hand. Caaaalm down, please ! D: You're making me nervous. And I forgot what I had to say to Mr. Musco.

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 17:46
« Being grateful to be what we are ? Yeah... tell that to the people of my world, they hate us 'cause we are not humans. » Trixy didn't even try to understand what the fly was saying, all these thingsd about planets and worlds were making her go crazy. Well hu...not as crazy as that girl who was now running in circle... wow... « You better calm her right now or I swear, I'll kill her !! I've had enough of that ! »

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 17:51
That woman was definitely scary. And awfully impolite too. Samuel pulled the white girl behind him and glared meanly at Trixy (or at least he tried to... it kinda looked like smiling). If I ever meet those people, I WILL tell them. Now... where's the exit ? He continued, avoiding a fridge that came falling down.

Saturnin le Malin

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 18:30
« Ouch! » came from the flying fridge when it hit the ground. Seconds later, Allegra pulled out, dazed and confused. For a moment she thought she missed her spell and landed somewhere far from the castle, but when she came upon the wolfish-looking-human-or-whatever-it-was and the talking fly she just felt the dizziness grow. Where was she?

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 18:41
K-k-kill me ? How dare you ?... She put herself free from Samuel arms and jumped on the she-dog. You crazy bitch ! She started pulling her hair, furious. Then she saw the new girl. Welcome ! Not injured ?, she said with a friendly smile, before keeping attacking the doggy.


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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 18:56
Okay. Nevermind. That girl was scary too.
Sammy mimics a tree. He's not there. What are you looking at ? è____é

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 19:09
Oh. It's getting dangerous here. If Musco speak with his normal voice, perhaps the girls will be scared and stop it. Hey ! Stop ! he screamed. This man, he continued while pointing Sammy, said that we must survive. If you begin by killing yourself, we're not out of the woods !

Saturnin le Malin

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 19:27
Allegra nearly fainted when she heard the human-fly raising his voice. Never before had she experienced such nightmares. She wanted to flee, but her legs wouldn't move. She thought that, maybe if she stayed still, she would go unnoticed. However, struck in the face by a flying toast, she let a whine escape. « Eeeer... Hello everybody? »

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 21:14
« Yeah, go te-» Next thing Trixy knew, she was knocked down, hitting the fridge on her way to the ground. All she could do was mumbling unintelligle things while being pulled and pushed by that crazy girl, semi-conscious only. Trixy let out a yelp of pain when the fly screamed, her ears were easily hurt, but it seemed to bring her back to her senses. « Let me go !! What the hell is wrong with you ?!? »

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 21:25
Yeah. What WAS wrong with them ? Why was everybody being so mean with each other ? Peace and loooove ! Peace. And. LOVE. Uhm... excuse-me. They continued screaming. Excuse-me ! So much noise. EXCUUUUUSE-ME ! Finally. Now that he felt everybody looking at him, Sammy lost his confidence. I just wanted the noise to stop .____. We have to be organized if we want to get out of he------- Patam. Knocked out by a door that fell flat on his face.


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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 22:00
Andreï was now feeling extremely dizzy. The vertigo wasn't gone, and all the noise and agitation brought it right back to his face. He sat down, observing the others. He wasn't really sure about his feelings about Trixy. She wasn't like him, nor like the other chimeras he knew. He looked up at Sammy when he screamed, just in time to see him knocked down by a door. Immediately, he jumped at his side. "Sir ? Sir ? Are you okay ? O_O"

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Re: Paradise Mer 23 Fév 2011, 23:42
Trixy instantly stopped moving when sissy-boy screamed. She putted her hand on the girl's face, just in case and stared at the guy. And then... oh man did she laugh, seeing him getting owned by a door. Good thing, maybe he'll stop blabbering nonsense ! She pushed on the girl's face with her hand, trying to get free. « Hey, he's right, let me go before I really hurt you. »

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Re: Paradise Jeu 24 Fév 2011, 22:29
I'm fine x____x I think. No, I can't think. That's the problem. Hold on. I think I just need to... lie down here for a minute. Oh wait. I'm already down. Héhé. Oh clouds.

Sammy... you're an idiot.


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Re: Paradise Ven 25 Fév 2011, 22:52
Oh boy ! First the clouds and the paradise-golden-gate-thing, and now what ? Doors and fridges raining down ? Poioh got tired from all this mess. « Ok, that's enough. » She stood up straigh, strongly closed her eyes, focusing on her own world... Nothing happened. Actually, it's not completely right. Something happened but not what she had expected. A tin full of cake was definitly not what she had expexted. Not right now and not like this at any rate. She collapsed silently.

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Re: Paradise Dim 27 Fév 2011, 17:03
Okay, now he was extremely worried about Samuel. "Hold on, take deep breaths." He took his feet and hold them high. If he remembered correctly that was what you were supposed to do in cases like this. Then a tin fell from the sky, again, and one of the girls collapsed. "Oh dear God. '__' This place is dangerous !"

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Re: Paradise Mar 08 Mar 2011, 11:38
Okay. Aaaaaaall good. He's fine. He's totally healthy. No problemo, Sir. Everything is working just the way it's meant to work. Except for his head (but that hasn't always worked the way it should anyway). He got up and patted the boy's head. You're a nice boy. And like I said : we should get out of here .__.


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Re: Paradise Dim 20 Mar 2011, 02:03
Poioh hadn't really passed out. At least that was what she felt like. She got up on an elbow and glanced around. Were the little cute birds for real ? The ones who flew all around her, chirping ? A wild smile appeared on her face and she reached out an arm, a finger raised to receive one of the colorful bird. Unfortunately, it flew through her hand... èwé

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Re: Paradise Sam 26 Mar 2011, 01:56
Andreï gave a poor smile to Sammy. Then saw the girl acting like there were imaginary birds or butterflies around her. "Right ... Let's move on ! ... Shall we all get back on the motorcycle ?"

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Re: Paradise Sam 26 Mar 2011, 10:50
I don't think that's a good idea. Unless somebody knows how to drive ? Seriously, Sam you dimwit ! You're surrounded by kids. Of coooooourse they can't drive ! He wanted to get up and look around, when he noticed a huge elevator falling down. Oh hey quick ! Jump in the elevator ! I'm sure it'll bring us down to earth. (Real earth. Not mountain earth.)


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Re: Paradise Dim 27 Mar 2011, 01:19
The mere mention of the word « earth » brought Poioh back to reality. She got off the ground, ignored pointedly the tiresome birds and reached to the elevator as if her life was in the balance. Oh wait, her life WAS in the balance. She dove into the lift and beseeched for a way out.

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Re: Paradise Jeu 31 Mar 2011, 17:44
"What ele ... ? Oh okay, this one." He followed them inside. But inside it wasn't just like in any other elevator. It actually opened on a vast and luxurious living room. Andreï couldn't quite believe his eyes. "OMG ! It's like Dr Who's Tardis !" He run towards an armchair so imposing that, sitting in it, he looked even smaller than he actually was. "This is the most comfy thing I ever sat on."

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Re: Paradise Jeu 31 Mar 2011, 18:43
AWESOMENESS ! An elevator, but not really an elevator. A room, but not really a room. A closed off dimension that would guild them to infinity and beyooooond ! *HUM* No Samuel. You should stop watching those science-fiction movies. It's bad for your health. OH ! There's a fridge ! Who's hungry ? °^°


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Re: Paradise Jeu 31 Mar 2011, 20:12
"Oh, I am, mister !" said Andreï, enthusiastic. He felt so much better now that they were inside that "elevator", instead of the top of that mountain, which was so goddamn high.

Dernière édition par Héra le Jeu 31 Mar 2011, 22:51, édité 1 fois

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Re: Paradise Jeu 31 Mar 2011, 22:38
Really ? *^* My mom taught me how to cook (and she's the best cook ever °^°), so I'll see what I can do. As excited as a kid that just won 50 candy bars, Sam walked towards the fridge. He smiled when he noticed there were about enough ingredients to feed an army. What do you guys want to eat ? Any preferences, or should I just improvise ?


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Re: Paradise Ven 01 Avr 2011, 01:12
« Can't be... » said Poioh in a whisper right when she belly landed inside and looked up. First, hearing the boy talking about a doctor frightened her because of, you know, those little sharp things, scalpels. Then, hearing the young man talking about food just made her stomac growled. Oh boy, she was soooo hungry she could eat a mammoth ! Ok, maybe just an elephant. « Do anything you want but please, do it quickly ! » She smiled to tone down her comment and just then, her stomac growled again.

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