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Paradise Sam 22 Jan 2011, 23:38
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You have GOT to be kidding me ! She just stood there. Annoyed look on her face, hands resting on her hips and clearly not happy to be there. If I find out what selfish bastard sent me here... he'll regret being born. Gwendolyn. Not the nicest person to be in paradise with. Right ?

Dernière édition par Siparti le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 23:01, édité 3 fois


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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 21:28
"Move." One Word, one threat. This girly annoys Cloud very much, first she destroys his motorcycle, then ... He can't remember, but she was really annoying. He points his sword toward the girl. Ready for the real fight if she doesn't obey him.

[hj: oui Shoot, ou Throw away aussi]

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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 21:30
    Are you threatening me ? She frowned, smiling.

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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 21:33
"No, just an advice, little girl."No expression, just staring at her.

[HJ: On va dire que ton perso est plus forte que Cloud, mais juste un peu xD]

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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 21:40
I don't take advice. I'm a rebel. Didn't notice that yet, did you ? Vampire vs. Cloud. Seriously ? Oh come ON. He wasn't even worth her time. She turned around. The demons had chosen to take it up on the little kids instead. Guess they weren't patient enough when it came to fighting...

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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 21:48
[HJ : MDR le cloud xD]

"And I have to kill these demons, because they are going to attack our companions. Now move !" He bypasses Gwen (he brushes again her by the way) and runs to the kiddies.

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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 22:02
She hadn't been prepared for the violent thrust he gave her. Gwendolyn lost her balance - just for a minute - but redeemed herself. THAT FCKING BASTARD ! She was enraged. Growling like a predator, she raced in the kids' direction at full speed. Her ponytail got untidied by her swiftness. She ignored it, landing (once again) in front of the despicable man. As she folded her arms around the lion, her pooh-bear, Snowwhite and whoever else was lying there, she ran away. Fast. And far. He could die for all she cared.



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Re: Paradise Dim 30 Jan 2011, 22:44
"Graowl ?" Andreï was now, like the others, in Gwen's arms.

EDIT: Han j'suis con! XD J'ai rép en français. Corrigé.

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Re: Paradise Lun 31 Jan 2011, 01:32
O.O Poioh was completely mixed-up. One minute ago she was watching death coming to her in the shape of demons, and now, at that very moment, she was back in Gwen's arms. She felt so helpless as if she was... such a drag ! She was staring into space behind the vampire when her gaze caught something. « BEWARE ! » she shouted.

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Re: Paradise Lun 31 Jan 2011, 16:20
Huh ? She wanted to ignore the screams on her back, for she thought the kids were just whining again, but the "beware" caught her unprepared. Beware for what ? She struggled while turning around. Maybe carrying so many kids hadn't been the best idea ever. Gwen was a lot slower and could impossibly fight. This was bad. Especially if you consider the "beware" had referred to those three demons following them.

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Re: Paradise Lun 31 Jan 2011, 18:27
Cloud would have followed them, but he heard this : - Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away.Sephiroth, Cloud answer before looking behind him to his opponent.-You just don't get it. There isn't a thing I don't cherish! -I've thought of a wonderful present for you... Shall I give you despair? A fight begin, all the angels begin to sing :


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Re: Paradise Jeu 03 Fév 2011, 15:02
Oh great. A musical. Just what we were looking for. Thanks for the sacrifice, buddy 8D Eventually, somebody would have to stay behind - and Gwen decided it would not be her. As the demon/angels returned to fight Cloud, she arrived at the mountain peek with the children. It all seemed a bit ordinary. Okay... so... I guess we have to climb down now.


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Re: Paradise Jeu 03 Fév 2011, 20:19
Andreï watched the beginning of the fight over Gwen's shoulder, before they all got to the mountain's peek. He jumped out of the woman's arms and looked around. They were still above the coulds' level, but if they went just a bit down ... Oh god, he had vertigo. The lion lay down, his claws sinking deeply into the ground.

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Re: Paradise Ven 04 Fév 2011, 16:55
Hey Simba, you're not afraid of heights, are you ? Because then I'll just have to throw you down. She jumped first. It was a weird sensation to swim through those fluffy clouds, but as soon as she landed on the mountain peek, she came back to reality. Huh ? Aren't mountains this high supposed to be covered in snow or something ? Why are there flowers everywhere ? And what's that damn goat doing here ?


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Re: Paradise Ven 04 Fév 2011, 22:04
Poor boy! Edel was pitiful for Cloud who's fighting alone all these monsters. But she should have cared about the peek : surprised, she fell back and touched down in the middle of beautiful flowers. Oooh! That's pretty! She laughed. Well... Is there someone having some climbing material ? The earth seemed very, very, very far down.


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Re: Paradise Dim 06 Fév 2011, 02:07
"Please don't do that." he muttered weakly. Now a boy again, he took on himself to sit down, focusing on the flowers trying not to think about anything else. Wait. Flowers ? "How come ?" He turned to the others: "Shouldn't it be freezing at this height ?"

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Re: Paradise Dim 06 Fév 2011, 12:35
Cloud was fighting very hard, it's a long time he hasn't had a fight so fightful and intense. He got hurt in the right shoulder and then had slashed his diabolic opponent. The angel finished their song at this moment, Sephiroth was so hurt that he died. The angels showed to Cloud the way to the mountain. Magically, Sephiroth was transformed in Cloud's motorcycle. "hey, I missed you dude" He drives at 200 km per hour to the mountain actually.

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Re: Paradise Mar 08 Fév 2011, 21:26
A new motorcycle ?! Cool ! Edel was trying to climb down the mountain when she saw Cloud on his new engine. On this rythm, the going down would be very long. Can we climb on your motorbike, please ?, she asked him with her shone eyes.

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Re: Paradise Mar 08 Fév 2011, 23:43
"Of course. But don't destroy it, please." Cloud says the second sentence to Gwen. He bring his motorcycle to the small path, which lies on the contour (I think we can say it, not sure) of the mountain's top and was continuing from the top to the bottom of the Mt. Cuicui. God thinks about everything.

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Re: Paradise Ven 11 Fév 2011, 00:58
Poioh used to climb buildings with high agility. She was very clever at hanging on cornices to reach rooftops after she had climbed up fronts as if she was, you know, kinda Spidergirl. Ok, she had never tried up in the mountains but, well, those are stones too, right ? ... No ? Crap ! Actually she didn't have any thorough knowledge of how to make it on steep rocks. *Still a pain for the others* she sighed, climbing the motorcycle.

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Re: Paradise Ven 11 Fév 2011, 01:32
Awesome. I'll drive 8D


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Re: Paradise Ven 11 Fév 2011, 06:39
Andreï stood up, but his legs were still trembling. He climbed on with the others and asked the person directly behind him: "Please hold me tight. @_@"

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Re: Paradise Ven 11 Fév 2011, 10:45
Edel was just behind the little blond boy, and she put her arms around him. There, little tiger. All was so funny she had a big smile on her face. Here we go~ ! ♥

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Re: Paradise Sam 12 Fév 2011, 20:42
"Here we go !" Cloud drives as quick as he can along the mountain road. There were a lot of bumps, but Cloud's motorcycle has loads of shock absorbers. It was a Sephiroth X-34 in fact... There were now under the clouds !!! And there was something really really really amazing... Cloud stops his motorcycle, because he was so astonished, he couldn't have driven further. "This is ..."

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Re: Paradise Mar 15 Fév 2011, 16:05
Oh no. Not HIM. Gwen sighed as she watched the boy wave in a shy way. H-h-hello. Nice to meet you all. I'm Sam. That's it. This world crossed the line. That was the limit. Hasta la vista bye-bye. Gwen's going to Hawaii to enjoy a long and well merited holiday. No more punks. No more idiots. Just her... and the sandy beach she can't enjoy cause she's a goddamn vampire. Nice.




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Re: Paradise Mar 15 Fév 2011, 16:42
Well at least somebody seemed to enjoy this little trip, thought Andreï. Suddenly, the blond guy stopped the motorcycle, for there must have been something on the road. Bravely, Andreï took a quick glance, very careful not to look any further than the road. And there was this young man. He blinked. What ? Wait ... ! "Where has the lady gone ? o_o"

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