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Paradise Sam 22 Jan 2011, 23:38
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#Paradise. }

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You have GOT to be kidding me ! She just stood there. Annoyed look on her face, hands resting on her hips and clearly not happy to be there. If I find out what selfish bastard sent me here... he'll regret being born. Gwendolyn. Not the nicest person to be in paradise with. Right ?

Dernière édition par Siparti le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 23:01, édité 3 fois



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Re: Paradise Mar 15 Fév 2011, 16:53
Suitcase in his hands, waistcoat under his arm and slightly pouting. I think I got lost (again). He whined. Miss Meredith is going to be so mad D:


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Re: Paradise Jeu 17 Fév 2011, 08:35
Ooh, poor boy ! Edel hugged the newbie and looked at around her. Where's the insane girl ? She stared the boy. Were she reborn into that pretty guy ?!


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Re: Paradise Jeu 17 Fév 2011, 16:23
Oh, why, thank you ! 8D He answered, hugging the child back. You're a very nice person. Not like those other people. They hunt me down and try to... er... eat me and stuff. He looked around smiling gently, but observant. So... where are we ? Miss Gwendolyn told me we were in idiotland or something ?

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Re: Paradise Ven 18 Fév 2011, 17:50
« Idiotland sure would be a fitting name » Meh... Trixy was lost on some kind of mountain... and the only ones that could help or something were humans by looking at them quickly, great, just great. She growled a bit, looking coldly at the other ones. « Just tell me what is this place already ! ... Please ? » She raised an eyebrow, she never liked to ask for help... but she was lost dammit !

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Re: Paradise Ven 18 Fév 2011, 18:01
Oh, hello, ma'am ! * So many people in here *O* Splendid ! And they all seem nice. * Right, Sam. That must be the first time for you, huh ? Maybe you'll like it here. Please, take a cushion and make some tea so that you can enjoy a lovely conversation with the dog-like-humans.

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Re: Paradise Ven 18 Fév 2011, 22:05
Musco appeared. What a strange place. Musco was flying above some humans, including a... dog ? So. Don't worry. You just go down, you land, and you say "Hello". Hello, he said. Can you tell me, where I am ? He looked at the dog. It was strange, it was nearly human.


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Re: Paradise Ven 18 Fév 2011, 22:13
Huhuhu. Funny. My GPS receiver can't find our position. But I'm sure it's just because of the al----- What is that thing ? 8D And there he goes. Screaming like a girl. Running around like an idiot. Just because he saw a talking fly. I mean, BIG DEAL.

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Re: Paradise Ven 18 Fév 2011, 23:45
Trixy rolled her eyes, it was getting even worse now that a huge fly made its entrance. So what ? It's probably just another chimera, like her. But that kid's scream... was just to much. She litteraly jumped after him and wraped a hand around his neck. « Would you PLEASE shut up ? It's just a freaking fly ! And don't start screaming again m'kay ? » And she released him, Trixy didn't want to make her first impression too bad heh ? She needed help after all.

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Re: Paradise Ven 18 Fév 2011, 23:53
B-b-b-b-b-but D8 I'm sooorry ;______; I just... he... that... we... I... fly ? He pointed innocently at the huge unidentified object. The womandog he was talking to was a bit frightening too, but bugs... JUK. Samuel would rather see ten thousand zombies, than having to face an army of giant insects. Especially if they talked like normal gentry.

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 00:58
Was he... crying ? Well he sure whined a lot, that, added to the fact that he seemed totally useless, was nothing to be appreciated by Trixy. She growled a bit, juste to warn him a bit, hoping he was smart enough to get the message. « Could you stop being such a sissy ? It's just a fly, it won't eat you. And luckily for you, I'm not hungry either x) » There's no way that Trixy would eat...that. But making fun of him was allowed as far she knew 8D

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 01:04
Sissy ? O___O *gloups* Hungry ? *double-gloups* Oh and you forgot the growling, dear. Here he was thinking he finally found a peaceful place with some decent and nice people *deep sigh* ...but no. Evidently, the world hated him. He was meant to meet monsters, explosions, perverts and talking animals. Life sucks when you're a Sammy. Obviously.

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 01:47
Trixy laughed, how could she not ? The boy's reaction was just priceless. When her hyena-like laugh faded, she stared at him, with a huge, toothy grin on her face.[/i] « Did I scare you sissy-boy ? Maybe I'll stop being mean... just tell me where I am and I'll leave, you're not interesting enough for me... It just seems like I'm wasting all my precious time. »

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 01:54
Petrified. Pe-tri-fied, I'm telling ya'! How could he not be ? That woman had the most evil laugh he heard in years. The look on his face probably answered her first question, so the only thing she needed to know now was their location. Oh but- but- I don't know where we are, Ma'am ! I only just arrived D: This happens all the time, though. You'd be taking a bath or making your suitcase or polishing your dad's shoes, and then you get transported here. In this world. I believe it's the 6th time this happened to me 8D

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 02:19
So... she was just... somewhere, in a totally different world ? « No ! she growled, it can't be true ! There's only one world... right ? » She hated that, being stuck here, while the only one who was willing to talk to her was so obnoxious... Trixy looked at him again, asking angrily: « How do we leave that damn place ? ... and don't call me ma'am again, the name's Trixy --' »

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 11:53
I- I'm so-sorry, Ma'am Trixy D8 I don't know how to leave this place. I suggest we just... er... walk ? He stuttered nervously. Maybe these worlds work with some sort of time span. If we stay here (and survive) long enough, we get to go back home. No ? If she hadn't glared at him like that, he might not have told her about his theory.

Maître Nanite
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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 13:50
Musco was observing silently that scene. Strangely, the dog wasn't surprised to see a huge talking fly. Musco took a chance to speak again. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you. Anyway, I eat only vegetables ! I'm Musco, I come from another planet that you don't know, you humans... Musco stopped moving after speaking. The boy looked very sensitive.

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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 17:22
Trixy facepalmed... that was the only thing she could do. « Just... call me... Trixy... just that, nothing else ! And what do you mean if we survive ? » She was hoping that the boy said that beause he was scared and not cause this world was filled with...things...that kill. That huge fly was weird, staring at her a bit too much, she turned at him. « Kids these day are scared by everything¸, you're just a chimera like me, it's no big deal. »
Maître Nanite
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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 17:42
A... what ? Musco known pratically everything about Earth and humans, but he had never heard of chimeras. He sat on a steel and awkward chair, next to the boy. Could you explain to me what are the... chimeras ? I'm simply a fly. Perhaps a big fly for you two, I know that tellurian flies measure 2 centimenters...


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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 17:49
I... er... The information he was getting was kinda difficult to grasp. Chimera. Flies from other planets. God-knows-what-else. And... where did that chair come from ? Samuel looked around. They were still on a mountain top, so why was it raining furniture ? 8D


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Re: Paradise Sam 19 Fév 2011, 22:42
Andreï gasped and fell down from the mortocycle. He got back to his feet, staring at Trixy. "Really, you're a chimera ?! So, you come from my world ? I-I'm a chimera too !" She was kind of an hybrid. He saw that before, when he, for instance, couldn't master his transformation. But this woman ... Well, it seemed to be totally assumed. On purpose.

Dernière édition par Héra le Dim 20 Fév 2011, 00:10, édité 1 fois

{ Présentation }
Mutant and proud.

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Re: Paradise Dim 20 Fév 2011, 00:00
Poioh stood silently next to the bike - she had got off of it when the werewolf appeared. She had first planed to slip away unobtrusively but the whinning-around-boy had put an end to her project of retreat. She wasn't even startled when the big-fly-Musco (it has a name !?!) popped up, she was above all that mess now. She was asking herself a big, huge question such as... was she the only human here ? I mean, seriously human ?

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 06:18
Trixy sighed, it seemed like all these people were useless. Just for a short time, she turned back to her human form, grining, before quickly regaining her ''true'' form, shivering. « A chimera, part human, part animal, you're one, Mus-somethin'. *she turned to face the other chimera*and it's a shame that you're still looking like a mere human then, you could be a bit more grateful to be gifted !!» Simultaneously, Trixy tried to slowly backed away from that obnoxious boy, the farther, the better.

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 13:43
Mere human ? Well, that's not very nice, is it !? I think you should be grateful to be whatever you are ! Even if it means being a fly. He glanced over at Musco. But you're not a chimera. Another planet you said ? Which one ? 8D I'm from El Torco. He was delighted to meet someone from his own world (for a change).

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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 14:01
M-u-s-c-o, he spellt. Exactly. I'm not a chimera, I'm a fly. El Torco, you say ? I'm from Elda. You know, the planet with a strange forest, and strange creatures that everyone dreads... Musco was trying to speak with a voice almost human. The boy was enough worried. So, he continued, you think that we can exit this... parallel world ?


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Re: Paradise Mar 22 Fév 2011, 14:12
Strange creatures, other planets, aliens, Edel was lost and confused. I don't understand nothing at all ! Please help D: She started to run making a circle around them, her hands on her head and with exorbitant eyes. I'm gonna become fucking mad !

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