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Blue Lock : où acheter le Tome 22 ...
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I’ve read enough creepypastas to know where this is going.

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- Statut du RP : privé i guess ? :d
- Tour de jeu : //
- Délai maximum d'attente de réponse : hmm, deux semaines ?
- Autre : yes.

Don't you hate it when you wake up and end up not knowing where you are ?
I don’t. It’s one of my favorite pure bliss moment, actually ; you basically forget about everything that's a big deal. Like the fact that you are in a zombie apocalypse. Shit I remember that. Great, now it’s ruined.

… I still have no clue about this place though. No clue at all.

Although it does look like a living room, and an old-fashioned one that is ; chimney made of visible bricks, velvet curtains (there's a dusty beam of light passing throught, so I assume It’s morning – at least I know when I am) ; and a gloomy decoration (weird-ass looking portraits and two skulls in the shelves) ; did I mention the number of books in here ? No I didn’t because it would take a while to count them.

I left the bearskin carpet (where I was sitting) to get close to the shelves, I reached for one random book aaand… it was gibberish. I tried my luck with two more but they were also written in a foreign language. When I went to take a look out the window, the sight was poor as fuck. Only grass, that’s it. I couldn’t open the window, and I’m not dumb enough to break it, the smash could wake up the deads.

It was clearly a home, or maybe a mansion ; he’d have to explore it to know for sure.

I'm usually slow at waking up but, I’m little too conscious at this point to not remember anything related to this location and…an–

And he sneezed really loud. It was really dusty in here.

Dernière édition par Reck le Mer 05 Déc 2018, 20:33, édité 2 fois


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If he's dead, why does he need blood to nourish himself ? Also how can he be dead and still alive ? This was all very confusing. A Vampire cannot have sunlight or he burns up. Does he also burn up when he comes into contact with water and garlic ? Very specific items, that. But not the strangest alien race he's ever heard of.

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I ponder a little "... like I said, there's many folklores about vampires. But I'd guess that it's because he's evil. Also, he isn't totally dead, he's half-dead." I sigh. "Well don't ask me to put some sense into that, I didn't create this fairy tale." Although, after seeing so much shit, one comes to realize that skepticism shouldn't be a celebrated virtue in this world. I mean... Not that I believe in vampires. Neither I want to ; zombies are more than enough.

Dernière édition par Reck le Ven 15 Juil 2016, 01:11, édité 1 fois

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Oh um... ok. He seems annoyed. Doesn't want to talk about it. Won't ask then. Was a bit curious about this strange invented alien race, but Serah doesn't like my questions. S'okay. I understand. Don't like questions either. Oh right. Have to act like one, he said, for my dare. Act like a vampire. Well... then... I guess... Scratching my nose again, like a nervous tic. I'm hungry. Gimme your blood?

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I stare at him for an awkward time, then burst into another laughter - a bittersweet laughter, all my face is aching, I'm wincing. Fuck. I gently massage the outline of my nose "I'd say that you lack some passion for an hungry vampire, though" I lay back again, "But you tried, I guess. I'll give you that." I wonder if the floor is cold enough so I can rest my burning nose against it "My turn, now. Truth."

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Truth. Truth was hard. There's nothing I really want to know. Except how vampires work. I'm interested in that now. Questions, questions. Nothing appears in the back of my mind. Nothing that normal people would ask anyway. What are normal truth questions? Things about love and all, probably. Somehow that really catches people's interest. Don't get why. Um... do you... have... Find something. Anything. A pet. Well, it's something, alright.

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"Nop." Wonder why I don't have one yet ? A dog would be nice. It's not like he can get infected. I'd call him Buss. "Do you ?" It piqued my inerest.

Dernière édition par Reck le Ven 15 Juil 2016, 03:09, édité 1 fois

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Was this part of the game ? Didn't say truth. But I guess it's an innocent enough questions. I can answer. Why wouldn't I. Yes. I won him. In a race. Consolation prize.

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"Oh so you did won something. I thought you only lost pieces of yourself." And balls of steel weren't one of them. I mean I hope so for you. "What kind of pet ?"

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That was funny. If I were the laughing type, I'm sure I would've laughed. But Serah would have to be content with a dysfunctional grin — one that warped my face into a threatening expression. Two-headed snake.

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Err, too soon? I swear I didn’t get used to his face ‘till now; I can’t totally chill with him, I’m just very good at pretending (even fooling myself sometimes). And ok, he doesn’t seem like the sensitive type. Otherwise, I’m sure I’d have ended up with more than a broken nose. " I like snakes, they’re dumb. " Obviously I’m not talking about threatening ones. "…. Threat or dare?" Keep you in the dark you know that they all prteeend... now this song is stuck in my head. "Uh, I mean truth or dare?"

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Rebel wasn't dumb. Far from it. Rebel was a genius. Don't wanna brag, but he is. Um... Took dare last time. Maybe I should switch it up ? See what kind of questions I'm supposed to ask. Truth.

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I have so many questions yet no idea which one to ask. It's like having no idea at all, 'cause you can't decide.
I took some time thinking, I almost dozed off " Hm... just tell me your favorite color, and why it is " Thanks brain, that was one of the most useless questions I could have asked. Wait, that's two questions, actually.

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Oh. Not what I expected. It was an average question, like the one about pets. Maybe we're more alike than I thought. That's good. Although I don't really have a favorite color. Suppose I'll just say... Red. If any, I s'pose it's that one. Color of my racing module.

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"Ah" He's really into that, huh ? But I guess he can do no more races now. Well... now that I think about it, not impossible actually after some cleaning. Me too, I had a hobby before ; it was living. But now it's ruined. "Alright. I'm feeling daring."

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This was more my territory. A dare is a bit like a challenge. Serah seemed pretty crazy already, so it probably wouldn't take a lot to really challenge him. He was scared of something out there. Leaving the safety of candles, a locked room and a companion behind was pretty much a dare in itself. Dare you to go back to the kitchen and take mac'n back with ya. Mac'n'cheese. It's true. I was still hungry. There must've been more cans in that cupboard.

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"..." ...
Are we in a horror movie or something ? Am I stupid enough to accept the challenge and act up exactly like those stupid characters in films that made me cringe ? Yes I am. I've done worse for pride. I've done worse for smaller threats to my ego. "You seem as vicious as me." Welp. I stand up, and try to find another candle-holder that I can take with me. Fuck me.

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Going with light don't count. It came out dry and confident, but that's not the way I felt at all. I wanted to make a good dare. Show him what I was made of. That I wasn't just a lame piece of err... space cow. Too mean though ? Poor guy was already terrified. Maybe I should take it back. Maybe. Doesn't. Oh, no. I corrected myself instead of telling him he could take a light. Doesn't count. Body plz start listening to brain plz.

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" How the hell am I supposed to bring you mc’n cheese then? What if I come back with a can of cat food without knowing since I couldn't see anything ?" Not that I would mind, food's still food (I prefer the croquettes though). But, you know, I don’t let go easily. I don’t want to brag, but I’m usually good at negotiating. Well, ok I love to brag, suck it up.

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Smell it. Cat food doesn't smell anything like mac'n'cheese. Well. Except certain brands. Those that last real good out in space sometimes do smell like something you'd feed an animal. But then again, some species love the food humans'd give to animals. You taste some weird shit when you're spacebound.

Cheap though.

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I gave him the most incredulous are-you-kidding-me look of my repertory. And rightly so. "I’d love too, but see, someone broke one of my six senses. Plus, what if I hurt myself while attempting to open the can with my knife huh?!"

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A nervous giggle escaped my mouth. Right, right. Did do that. Accidentally. I cleared my throat, suddenly sweating. So bad at this. Can't do human interactions. Better just behind the wheel. Um... right.... um... ok. Take it.

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Told you I was good. " Gimme my littl' knife, you still have it?" I take one of the lights with me, and glance at the darkness outside the room. I'm so fucked.

Dernière édition par Reck le Dim 17 Juil 2016, 02:05, édité 1 fois

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Oh. Yeah. I walk up to him and want to extend my arm to hand him the knife, but should've know better using this crappy arm. Accidentally bitchslap him. Thank xzblorg I was holding the knife backwards (for safety) or he would've had a nasty open wound across his face now. Still, that scared me. Didn't mean to slap him. Wanted to help him. Stupid arm. S-sorry...

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Da fuck. What. I don't know. I'm shocked. I didn't expect that. Why on earth. Why on earth would he do that in this particular situation. "... what've you been trying to achieve since earlier, to renovate my face?" I'm not even mad. I'm just...wtf ?"No, seriously, what is wrong with you? "

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N-no... it's... I vaguely gesture at my arm, but it gestures too. I look like an imbecile making my arms dance around like that. I feel irritated. Must look rabid. Need to get the arm fixed. What's wrong with it? It's worse than usual. Need an engineer. My arm it's... Sound crazy. Crazy. It moves by itself.

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