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Game of Hunger


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Game of HungerMer 16 Avr 2014, 15:42
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Game of Hunger

"I warned you of this! I have warned you all! You have angered the Gods, and the Gods will have their revenge!" The old bearded man spoke with an angry voice. He balled his fists at the sky and screamed at the dark clouds that had formed in under five minutes. Just a moment ago the sky had been blue and clear and beautiful. Jem had witnessed it when he arrived.
"'t Is a bad omen, m'boy..." A woman told him. "Some say it's the end."
"The end of what?"
"The end of the world as we know it."
Well, fuck me then. He thought. Of fucking course it was the fucking end of the world. Jem came from a world filled with zombies. Dead people that had eaten countless of his friends and acquaintances while he ran. He somehow managed to escape that bleak past and got sent to some kind of medieval town instead, but barely 30 minutes later it seemed that this world was equally doomed. It makes a man think whether the problem lies with him, and not the world he's in. Maybe he was the source of all this despair. Fuck it.
"I'm out of here." He whined, grabbing the bag the woman had just made for him with one hand, and the reins of the horse with the other.
"Where are you going? You can't outrun the oncoming storm, boy!"
Maybe he couldn't, no. But if he was going to die, he might as well die trying. 

Dernière édition par Siparti le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 23:06, édité 2 fois



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Re: Game of HungerMer 02 Juil 2014, 15:12
I thought I would scare you. The man answered. Or the boy. It was hard to tell how old he was. Late teens, maybe; a little older than Carolyn, a little younger than Jem. His hair was jet black and his skin looked tanned by the sun. Judging by his built, Jem assumed he was a blacksmith. One strong arm and some burn scars here and there. He didn't look threatening at all now that he had had a better look. Maybe it had just been Jem's imagination.

Sunshine ☆

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Re: Game of HungerLun 07 Juil 2014, 19:23

    Carolyn sighed. « It doesn't matter ... Who are you ? » The girl stared at the guy in order to guess if he was a magician. Hem ... probably not. That's great.

Dernière édition par Sunshine ☆ le Lun 28 Juil 2014, 18:20, édité 1 fois

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Re: Game of HungerLun 21 Juil 2014, 19:48

My name is Argos. The black-haired boy spoke. But I'm more interested in who you are. He noted, pointing at Carolyn's hands. Where did you learn that trick ?

Trick ? What trick ? Had Jem missed something while he was staring at the young boy ? What had Carolyn done ? Now there were two boys staring at the blonde.

Sunshine ☆

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Sunshine ☆
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Re: Game of HungerDim 24 Aoû 2014, 13:44


    The girl opened her mouth without finding something to answer. « Well, em... » She took a step back. Then she smiled. « If I tell you I have learned it in a school, would you trust me ? » She hoped that the situation wouldn't degenerate. Otherwise, she would have to run away.

Dernière édition par Sunshine ☆ le Lun 25 Aoû 2014, 10:16, édité 1 fois

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Re: Game of HungerDim 24 Aoû 2014, 20:15
Aye caramba:

That depends. The boy answered. What's a school ?

Aaah, of course. Other world, other customs. The young blacksmith probably never attended school. In fact, the chance that he even knows what it is is very small. This world looked semi-medieval. Poor children must've gone without an education. Especially one like the young lady hinted at. What sort of school teaches you witchcraft ? Jem wanted to know.

Sunshine ☆

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Re: Game of HungerLun 25 Aoû 2014, 10:41

    Waka waka éhé !:

    Carolyn shivered. She had just understood that she was really far from her home. She was in the past, in a world where people didn't go to school and additionally where they burned witches. Not a perfect situation. « Oh, it's not witchcraft, it's more like, em, illusions, you see ? Haha, I learned that in Circus school ... » The eyes of the girl seemed to roar « Please, shut up ! »

Dernière édition par Sunshine ☆ le Mar 26 Aoû 2014, 12:53, édité 1 fois

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Re: Game of HungerLun 25 Aoû 2014, 19:05

Hmm. Something fishy was going on here. Jem could tell. But if the girl truly had magic powers, he might want to keep her close. Whether he believed in it or not would be a problem for later. Right now, he just shut up about it (as Carolyn pleaded).

The other boy, though, wasn't so easy to convince. Illusions ?  Circus ?

Sunshine ☆

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Re: Game of HungerMar 26 Aoû 2014, 13:13

    Votons sur les top-sites.:

    Carolyn quickly chose : she was not in her world, but Jem wasn't either. He should be less afraid of her powers than the smith. She opened her fingers and the eyes of the boy became empty. « Yes, just illusions, you don't have doubts anymore, right ? » she said clearly. He agreed. « Perfect. »

Dernière édition par Sunshine ☆ le Mer 27 Aoû 2014, 17:30, édité 1 fois

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Re: Game of HungerMer 27 Aoû 2014, 16:13
Aye aye:

Soooooooooo... Jem began. What now ? He completely forgot his purpose here. Initially it had been: "get away from the storm", but since that chapter had passed, his next mission was probably going to be titled: "survive". Survive. Like every day. Though by the looks of it, this place didn't have any zombies. GOOD. Carolyn, what's your plan ? What are you gonna do ? Coming with us ?

Sunshine ☆

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Re: Game of HungerMer 27 Aoû 2014, 18:26
    Tadaaaa !:

    Argos woke up suddenly. « WHAT are you doing ?? » The girl regained control and he stopped moving. (to Jem) « I want ... I want to go to the highest place of this world. See all which surrounds us. Find a passage towards ... home. (shivers) » She was afraid.

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Re: Game of HungerMer 27 Aoû 2014, 20:45
Okay... okay... that's the suckiest plan he ever heard. But all right. Jem nodded, then pointed at the boy. You're gonna have to let him go then. We'll probably need a guide, as neither of us seems to be of this world. He's our best shot.

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