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Batman & Robin: Origins


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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Batman & Robin: OriginsVen 26 Mar 2021, 14:25
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Rappel du premier message :


• Statut du RP : privé
• Type de RP : Flashback (aux environs de Halloween 1989: Emmett a 16 ans et Robin 15)
• Tour de jeu : Robin (Mey) - Emmett (Sip)
• Délai maximum : 1 semaine
• Sauts de tours : Boing
• Autre : US English, '80s slang and techno music guaranteed

If there was one thing Robin didn't like when it came to school work, it was group projects. Not because she disliked others or working with them, far from that. But that was precisely the point: she preferred to hang out with others without constantly arguing about who was going to do what when. She'd seen too many friendships ruined by group projects gone wrong and didn't want to be the next one on that list.

Another thing Robin didn't like when it came to school was that teachers didn't care about whether or not she liked their assignments, and so the next group project had been announced that very morning. Yay. A presentation about the Space Race. Well, at least the topic was an interesting one. Apparently, that particular teacher didn't trust them to form groups and had already paired them all up. Robin took a quick look at the list to find her assigned partner. Emmett Reed. Well, that wasn't too bad. As far as she knew he was the class' quiet guy that teachers berated from time to time for "not working to his full potential". All in all, she couldn't say that she knew him, but he didn't strike her as a bully or someone who'd go out of his way to be difficult. So, once the class was finished, she walked up to him with a smile.

"Hi! Seems like we'll be working together for this one."

She may not like group projects, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to do her best to get along with her assigned partner.

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Re: Batman & Robin: OriginsVen 16 Sep 2022, 11:35
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Soon enough, attention drifted away from costume talk and veered right into party talk. Alright, so when's this party really getting started? Emmett knew what this meant. Someone was sneaking in alcohol. It was to be expected at a high school party where it very obviously was not allowed, so he wasn't really surprised, but he wasn't as sure Robin would follow the same logic. Did someone bring it or are we looking for the cabinet to raid?


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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Re: Batman & Robin: OriginsJeu 22 Sep 2022, 21:38
Contrary to popular belief, hanging out in the school library didn’t turn the school paper’s journalists into instant adults or otherwise make them ignorant of what went on around them (the whole point of journalism was keeping up with what went on in their surroundings!) So, long story short, yes, Robin did get the meaning of the question. "It leaves fewer traces if someone brings it than if it magically disappears from a cabinet here." Of course, they had to get it from somewhere, which wasn’t easy either. Asking an older sibling to buy it for them, maybe?

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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Re: Batman & Robin: OriginsMer 19 Oct 2022, 18:24
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Emmett's friends didn't seem to have thought the girl he brought with would volunteer ideas for their mischievous plans. To be honest, Emmett would've have thought so either. It won't disappear if we... refill it with water? The boy tapped the side of his forehead as if this was the location wherein his genius idea formed. You think they won't notice you exchanged their vodka for tap water? Replied Emmett with a hint of sarcasm.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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Re: Batman & Robin: OriginsMer 16 Nov 2022, 18:59
"I’m fairly sure you'd have to be very drunk if you don’t taste the difference between vodka and water. Plus, for most alcohols, you can see the difference with water, even if you’re drunk." Did she have actual practical experience to draw on, or did she simply have good debating skills that enabled her to quickly find counter-arguments? Well, who could tell?

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