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How to keep Oksana from climbing the walls for Dummies


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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• Statut du RP : Privé
• Type de RP : Normal
• Tour de jeu :  Mey (Yeva) - Sip (Oksana)
• Délai maximum :  1 semaine
• Sauts de tours : Nope
• Autre : English rp

The new cathedral’s inauguration had been predictably magnificent. Obviously, the Bogomolovs had attended, as the dutiful members of the congregation they were. Yeva would probably have enjoyed the pomp and circumstance of the event if she hadn’t constantly been keeping a worried eye on Isaak, but some things couldn’t be helped. It would be a disaster if the boy’s inner demon were to show now, in such a dense crowd, but not taking him today was not an option. So here they were. Hopefully, the newly hallowed building would keep the demon at bay.

Either by miracle or sheer dumb luck, Yeva’s hopes came true and the ceremony unfolded without any disastrous transformation. The family the lingered outside of the cathedral long enough to speak to various friends and acquaintances, before mother and child left for the day’s next appointment. An execution was, in Yeva’s opinion, no spectacle for a child — or for her, for the matter — and visiting her pregnant and isolated friend was an excellent way to get out of having to watch such a gruesome show and to relieve said friend’s boredom.

With nearly all of Moscow having flocked to the new cathedral, the streets were virtually empty, which made the cab trip unusually short. Soon enough, they were in front of Oksana’s current residence and the door opened almost immediately after Yeva had rung the doorbell.

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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There were question marks in Isaak’s eyes, as he only vaguely understood that the adults in the room were talking about his aunt and her current lack of a husband. There would probably be a lot of explaining to do when they got home. "Well, at least whoever marries her can’t say he didn’t know what he was up for." Surely there had to be some men out there who fell for outspoken women? Exhibit A: Oksana had gotten married (and widowed, but that wasn’t the point right now).

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That is the problem, isn't it? With how vocal she's been on her stances — whether we agree with her or not — she guarantees a match that will look past her behavior in favor of her name and her father's business. She scares off the good ones and attracts the vultures ; those that very well know her father will make a deal in a desperate bid to have her wed.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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…Or that, indeed. Maybe Yeva was simply too optimistic in hoping that things could still turn out well for her cousin. "I wouldn’t put it past him", she agreed sombrely. After all, her aunt's marriage to him was such a desperate bid already. By now, Isaak was pulling on her sleeve discretely (or so he thought), and she turned her eyes to him. "What’s the matter?" "Uncle Sevastian’s going to marry Aunt Ineska to a bird?" Oh dear, that was a misunderstanding that needed to be corrected immediately. "Not an actual bird, it’s an expression used to talk about greedy people."

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Ah yes. 'Mince thy words in the presence of young impressionable children, lest they be imprinted by the devil's tongue.' One of those ridiculous guidelines in the stupid magazines her mother-in-law kept making her read. Oksana was not ready for motherhood. Yes, marrying a bird would be problematic. Imagine going through all the trouble of finding a good match after years of struggle, only to discover one's husband is a— She stopped, took a look at Isaak, then mouthed: you-know-what.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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Oksana’s reply made Isaak open his eyes wide, and his complexion took a pale shade that closely resembled his mother’s usual lack of colour. Yeva knew she had to step in now, before things went completely out of hand. "Which isn’t going to happen, Oksana just loves being dramatic." She would need to come back on this later, when it would be just the two of them, but right now there wasn’t much she could do to address her son’s actual fear.

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She would be offended if she wasn't aware that Yeva was spouting nonsense for her child's sake. He did lose all the color in his cheeks in a matter of seconds. Were children more sensitive to talk about demons in general or had she always been blissfully unaware of how much of an issue it was during her own childhood? Perhaps it was neither. Perhaps Yeva just put the fear of god into her son. She seemed like the type. Even if it does, you need not worry. Those things can be scary, but the militia deals with them swiftly.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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The worst part was that Yeva knew that her friend was trying to be helpful, except that she was very much not helping. She hugged Isaak who would probably have disappeared into her dress if it was at all possible. "Shh, it’s okay. It’s nothing you should be concerned about." That was as explicit as she could be in the presence of someone else. Isaak still huddled against her, she turned back to Oksana. "They were preparing an execution after the inauguration ceremony, it wasn’t exactly a pretty sight."

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I've read about that. Vandalism, yes? I know it's akin to an affront to God, but... She lowered her voice. ... an execution seems a bit excessive, don't you think? What good is that going to do to God? They should've made the vandals repent and pay their debt.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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She discreetly looked around to see if there was anyone within earshot, a reflex acquired through a few years of rubbing elbows with Moscow high society. Of course there was no one but Oksana and Isaak, which she really should have known. "It does seem… harsh. I mean, even the Temple merchants were only thrown out, not killed outright." Maybe because the one making the call hadn’t been in a position of power. But even so, she couldn’t see any part of the New Testament arguing in favour of the death penalty. The Old Testament… Well, that was another matter altogether.

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It took Oksana an embarrassingly long time to figure out she was making a biblical reference. Temple merchants. Right. One of those texts she had completely zoned out during sermons. A yawnfest to be sure. Mh-hm. Though you must be a common moron to vandalize a church too, of course. Especially one with emotional significance. Not that idiocy validated an execution, buuuuuuut...


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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Said the woman who was knowingly and repeatedly bothering the militia. It may not be as public as vandalising a (the) church, but just as dangerous in Yeva’s eyes. "I’m not defending their actions. Just saying the consequences are… drastic. And that they clash with the rest of the day’s festivities." By now Isaak had calmed down somewhat, probably lured from his mother’s arms by the pastries that were still sitting invitingly within reach.

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The Church has always had a good sense for the dramatic. Isaak's gaze was not lost on Oksana, who eagerly offered him more pastries. Please, take some. Your mother won't mind. They will end up in the trash at the end of the day. We wouldn't want that, would we?


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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‘Dramatic’ was an understatement, though Yeva wouldn’t say so. Cultural conditioning and constant fear of sanctions had had effects not even Oksana and Ineska had been able to counter (yet?) Meanwhile, Isaak had eagerly seized one of the little cakes, though he had looked puzzled at the thought that food would end up in the thrash. Something about finishing his plate had probably come to his mind.

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But on to more pleasant things, I hope. How are things at home? Last she heard Yeva's husband had been busy with some new project. Unfortunately, despite her frequent and borderline intrusive questions, Oksana was not acutely aware of the details of Yeva and Pavel's relationship. Unlike herself, Yeva was fairly tightlipped about it. Another reason why she considered her a more likely candidate for the convent than her cousin.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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That was a more pleasant topic indeed, and Yeva took a sip of her tea before answering with a smile: "Quieter, now that the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over." Although she was fond of her family and of the Christmas period, the final month of the year tended to be somewhat hectic and she was glad to be able to rest without her mother's well-meaning but no less irritating nagging. "I'm hoping that we can go to the estate while the lake is still frozen enough for ice skating, though Pavel is pretty busy in Moscow at the moment."

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Then go without him! Oksana's wonderful logic dictated. If women were dependent on their husband's schedules to go anywhere or do anything... why nothing would ever get done.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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She probably could, and maybe she should, if only to get Isaak away from as much scrutiny as possible… but on the other hand leaving for the estate without Pavel might give her mother the brilliant idea to join her and that would just be even worse. "We probably will if he needs to travel abroad again anyway, but for now the three of us are together and I’d rather keep it that way." She took another sip of her tea. "Any chance I can get you to come with us? I know how you feel about the countryside, but a change of scenery is a change of scenery."

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I suppose that will depend entirely on what my next doctor says. One week a change of scenery is an absolute must and the next it is strongly discouraged. It was especially suspicious when a doctor's professional opinion fell in line with her mother-in-law's whims that week. Truly astonishing. And on whether any horses will be involved.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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"The horses live there, I don’t see how they could not be involved", she laughed. "But I’m not going to drag you in the stables or anywhere near them, and I’m certainly not going to suggest that you should ride while pregnant, if that’s what you were worried about." She’d gotten the message loud and clear that Oksana and horses didn’t mix years ago and her friend already had enough (too many) people in her life trying to force her to do things she didn’t like.

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Maybe in a carriage I will allow it. Even though Ilya was no longer around to help her exit it without dirtying her dresses. On second thought, even getting out of a carriage seemed like a chore while pregnant. Perhaps not then. I shall ask my mother-in-law upon her return from the... festivities. I know I can certainly use a change of scenery. Maybe Ineska would like to join us !


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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"How magnanimous of you", she teased. She sobered when Oksana mentioned the festivities with the same mixed feelings as Yeva had about them. That the cathedral had been rebuilt was good and an excellent reason to celebrate, certainly. But the executions were… rather too gruesome, and the morbid enthusiasm they evoked was even more so. But on to more pleasant topics. "Well, let me know, and also let me know if I need to harass your in-laws into agreeing. As for Ineska, I’m sure she won’t say no to some time away from her father. She might want to take her mother too, the vacation might do her some good." Thank goodness the manor was large.

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I'll make it happen. One way or another. She'd have to find an excuse, or perhaps fake a malaise and conveniently suggest some fresh air might do her good. Not exactly a lie considering leaving this place would most assuredly do her good. Now how long can you stay for tea? Surely there was a deadline. Yeva was a proper lady. She would not stay out too late.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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"I have full confidence in that." When Oksana set her mind to something, she usually succeeded. Which was probably why the militia blocking her was getting on her nerves so much (well, aside from the fact that they were withholding information about her husband’s death). "My parents are visiting for teatime, so we need to be home by then, but until then I’m all yours."

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Oksana certainly did not have to be told twice. She filled whatever time they had left with idle gossip; enough to recharge until, she hoped, next time they could meet. (Oh who are we kidding? She would already claim to be bored again by nightfall.) When the time came for Yeva to leave, Oksana got up to escort her to the front door. Please send your family my regards.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeYeva, 26Larae, 423Katja, 26Raïssa, 16Moira, 72Robin, 40Eibhlín, 39
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As Oksana would be able to notice, knowing that she was one of the few sources of information of her locked-up friend had made Yeva pay attention to things she would usually not concern herself with. Sure, she was nowhere near her friend’s level when it came to digging up juicy gossip (mostly because she did not actively go looking for it), but she was clearly getting better noticing and hearing certain things. The things we would do for those we love. All too soon, Yeva and Isaak had to take their leave of Oksana. "I will. Please do the same to your in-laws", if only because that was the polite response, "and take care." She meant that part.

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How to keep Oksana from climbing the walls for Dummies - Page 3 J4v0
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