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Things that didn't go as planned

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Things that didn't go as plannedSam 24 Fév 2018 - 13:20


- Statut du RP : Privé.
- Type de RP : Normal.
- Tour de jeu : //
- Délai maximum d'attente de réponse : Une semaine ?
- Sauts de tours : //
- Autre : English please !

It was Sunday, and like every Sunday, Jon was wearing his favorite tie, the sky-blue one with thin darker stripes. It wasn’t anything special, but it was accenting the blue of his eyes – well, it wasn’t exactly his eyes since he was wearing contacts, but still; it looked good on him, or so he thought. Anyway, when he left his place, the young mutant was in quite a good mood. The sun was shining, the birds singing – what could have gone wrong ?

He didn’t even need that money, really. But he was bored, and at first, it seemed a good idea to to take a look at that man's wallet. It should have been easy – it was always easy, moving so fast nobody could see him. What he wasn’t expecting was some girl in the street to choose that exact moment to call his name out loud. For a second, he froze, before realizing it was probably addressed to someone else, 'cause there was no way she could see him. But it was too late. The man he was trying to rob had already caught him. Literally. Hi, he said, smiling hesitantly while his brain was working faster than ever to find a way out of this awkward situation.

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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Re: Things that didn't go as plannedDim 25 Fév 2018 - 13:53

The weirdest fucking thing just happened. What was supposed to be a casual Sunday stroll had become something quite different. Some kid — he could only assume it was a kid with the way he handled himself — had tried to mug him. Well. Pickpocket him, I suppose. There was no gun pointed to his face. Just a hand in his pocket. It's not so much the potential theft that had freaked Emmett out, however. It was the fact that the guy seemed to have come out of nowhere. Granted, he hadn't been paying attention and it's kind of a pickpocket's job to be nearly invisible... but still. What the... ?

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Re: Things that didn't go as plannedMer 28 Fév 2018 - 13:24

Slowly, carefully, Jon pulled his hand out of the man's pocket. At this point, using his power to vanish without trace was really tempting, but as someone once told him, you can't fix every problem by running away. Sometimes you had to face it, and that was exactly what he was gonna do. Nice day, isn't it ? he said with his most innocent smile, feeling very brave and maybe even a bit heroic.

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Emmett was dumbfounded. He stared at the boy that just casually took his hand out of his pocket like he was a complete imbecile. "Nice day", he said. As if casually chatting after committing a crime would solve all his problems. What do you think you're doing? he asked as he raised an eyebrow.

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Jon winced. Okay, so maybe that wasn't the right approach. Ummm nothing ? It sounded more like a question than an answer. I mean, I wasn't trying to steal you wallet. Absolutely not. I was just... checking to make sure it was still there. Cause you know, someone else could have stole it. But not me. I would never do that. He laughed nervously. He had never been a really good lier.

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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"Checking to make sure it's still there". Right. That must've been the sorriest excuse he'd ever heard in his life. Nevermind the fact that this boy was a shitty thief; he was a shittier liar. Why don't you do us both a favor and scram before I call the cops.

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Sounds like a great idea, said Jon who was already regretting his brief moment of courage. He was gone in a flash, too fast for the human eye, but a few seconds later, he was back. Er, sir ? You might wanna look into your wallet. He winked at him, and then he was gone. He was already a few blocks from there, a self-satisfied smile on his lips. He'd like to see the face of the man when he would open his wallet to find a little note saying "sorry :)" instead of his money.

Dernière édition par Summer le Sam 10 Mar 2018 - 12:29, édité 2 fois

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
Messages : 45452
Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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In hindsight it had been perfectly obvious that Emmett had stood face to face with a mutant. The uncanny speed with which that monster had disappeared was unmistakable. Emmett had honestly wondered how he hadn't noticed before. He sighed as he put his coffee down on the table of the little café he had chosen to have his lunch break in. The fact that some of those freaks looked like ordinary humans was precisely the issue here: it made them dangerous.

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