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The Second to Last Airbender


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The Second to Last AirbenderLun 22 Avr 2019, 13:34


- Statut du RP : ouvert aux incrustations surprises (2 max)
- Tour de jeu : Sip - ? - ?
- Délai maximum d'attente de réponse : (avant de sauter le tour) une semaine
- Sauts de tours : 2
- Autre : RP anglais, situé dans le contexte d'Avatar : Le Dernier Maître de l'Air. Une certaine connaissance du contexte est requise. Les personnages sont nés dans l'une des trois civilisations (feu, terre, eau), mais ne sont pas nécessairement maître d'un des éléments. L'histoire se déroule à Si Dao, un port bien fréquenté dans le Royaume de la Terre en 100 AG (After Air Nomad Genocide, le début de la guerre).

Ps : Oui, j'ai copié-collé puis adapté depuis l'autre sujet par fainéantise  kissy
Pps : Si jamais vous en avez marre de l'anglais, vous pouvez toujours passer au français, hein. On fait c'qu'on veut ici.

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished...

The events which transpired nearly a century ago were so far removed from Emmett's personal life that they were but a blip in the grand scheme of things. As the head of large trading company, Emmett had bigger worries. The war had been good for business and his was thriving. As befits a man of his stature, Emmett had bought a nice enough mansion in the port where most of his business went down. Communications over the continent were too slow to allow for quick and immediate action, and Emmett preferred to keep his management hands-on. Being here was an absolute necessity.

As he was walking towards the docks to inspect the new cargo on the incoming ships, a teenage boy came running up to him. When he spoke, he was slightly out of breath.

Here are the reports you requested, master, he said as he handed him a few scrolls of parchment paper.
Ah, yes. Thank you, Sohan. Emmett gave him two silver coins for his troubles, then sent him on his way and carefully slid the scrolls in the travel bag he carried on his hip. He'd check it out later. His priority was getting to the docks right now. To get there, he'd have to pass by the market first — always a very busy place this early in the morning.

Dernière édition par Siparti le Mar 21 Avr 2020, 12:46, édité 1 fois


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderLun 22 Avr 2019, 14:11
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Varsha's Looks:

The market was a busy place, easy to hide, despite you were wearing blue clothes and a big water bottle (why are you wearing that by the way?). Thankfully there were no Fire Nation guards in sight to arrest you. Varsha really like this new spot, so many food that she didn't know. She was gazing everything and didn't mention the man before she hit him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Sir !"

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderLun 22 Avr 2019, 15:03
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Furaha wasn't quiet. Her smile was forced, it was tight and wasn't breathing ; it was a little shade, a rill lost in an large sea of bright life. People didn't see this tiny detail. The crowd was hurrying, was jostling, was crossing wihout seeing each other. And her sunbeam, her little lion, her tiny treasure had lost between its compact ranks. "Jelani !" Furaha shouted over the din but his son was still not found. The - secret - mistress of the earth nibbled her lips, undecided ; to use or to not use of her power to elevate her over the crowd and its swell of arms and legs ?


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderLun 22 Avr 2019, 17:28
Some woman bumped into him. He had tried to dodge her when he saw her deviate towards him, but was about half a second too late to avoid collision. That's... quite alright, he lied. Emmett had an issue with personal space, but he was in a hurry and it was ridiculous to get upset about something as small as this. There were too many things going on around him for him to notice the screaming of some woman in the crowd.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderLun 22 Avr 2019, 17:58
Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
It was a man in his forties, old from her point of view, who looked upset. Varsha moved back and apologized one more time. In her movement, the water bottle opened but she put her hand on the cork and all the water go back naturally to inside the bottle.  A name is screaming. "Oh, a woman who is searching her child !" she observed. She left the man and looked for an alone child in the crown. She saw a alone little boy and walked to him.

Recherche de Rp, toujours !

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderLun 22 Avr 2019, 22:42
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
The fear consumed her belly. Jelani was a good boy, quiet and too serious. He could never roll away into a compact crowd without her. Mostly when they were on the run with this stupid war and the cupidity (or fear ?) of the Fire Masters for the Earth Masters. "Jelani !" she shouted again. And suddenly, Furaha seen a hole into the thickness of the crowd : a woman was speaking a little boy. Jelani ! The alleviation flooded her soul and appeased her mad heart. "Oh ! My lille* lion, my sweet heart. I was worried !" She kissed and embraced her son and bowed in front of the woman. "Thank you, Miss."

* fait exprès


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderMer 24 Avr 2019, 11:14
Another woman foolish enough to let their child out of sight. Emmett could not relate. If his daughter were still.... No, he could not relate. You should take better care of your son if you were so worried. It was out of his mouth before he realized it. It had been years, but he was still grieving the death of his daughter. Seeing a mother being so careless with her kid just shook him up.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderMer 24 Avr 2019, 12:38
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
The boy was worried about his mother but fortunatly she arrived soon thereafter equally worried. Then a man (the same?) criticized the mother. "Don't worry about this man !" she said to the mother. "Kids are curious and restless: it happens all the time with my t-- family's children!" She explained to the man with haughtiness. She did not need of his advices! Was he father? He wouldn't! Meanwhile the crowd is shaking…

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderJeu 25 Avr 2019, 11:47
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Furaha was irritated. By what right this man criticized her ? She was a lioness with her son and Jelani was her bigger treasure. But the boy spoke before her. "No ! You are wrong. Very wrong !" he exclaimed with vehemence. "My Mum is a good mum, the Best ! With a big B ! It's my fault. I was looking a pretty jewel (for her) when the crowd's movment jostled me far from her. One second !" Jelani was so cute to defend her. But the current unrest very worried her. Furaha embraced his son, the control of the earth at fingertips. "You are seeing something ?" she asked with iron eyes.


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderVen 26 Avr 2019, 12:09
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
A bunch of excuses if you asked him. The child was kind to defend his mother, however. He briefly wondered if his daughter would've done the same if she had reached his age, but perished the thoughts as soon as they came. It was dangerous to think of such things. Thankfully, the restlessness of the crowd proved a welcome distraction. Emmett peered over the many heads and noticed the root of the commotion. A Fire Nation war ship just docked.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderVen 26 Avr 2019, 23:43
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Varsha was not afraid. She would if she were arrested by the Fire Nation but not now and not with her water bottle. She had to quit this harbour, and quickly. "What do they want?" she said.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderSam 27 Avr 2019, 13:32
Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
"I don't know." murmured Furaha clamping the hand of her son. From the height of her legs, she had a good view on the stage now that she knew where looking. A grin sliced her face ; anxiety, anger, fear... a big knot of contradictory emotions. "But we will not wait for know why. Come on, Jelani." She turned on her heels.


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderMer 01 Mai 2019, 12:25
Emmett held her back by the arm. Do you have something to fear, perhaps ? Someone willingly hiding themselves from the Fire Nation's delegation was either a criminal or a bender. Maybe both. Either way, an innocent person would have no reason to run from their new leaders.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderMer 01 Mai 2019, 13:37
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Varsha was surprised to hear the woman being so afraid of the war ship. Was she a wanted personn or a bender? And the man held back her. "Let her go! It's a WAR ship. Noboby likes to have war on their doorsteps !" If he used force, she should bend the water. Whatever the mother's reason, she was free to go.

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderDim 26 Mai 2019, 12:03
Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
Furaha turned to Emett a lioness look. "Maybe I don't want that my son meets this warmongers." She whistled that term with contempt. "Jelani is a good boy and his mother want that he growds with innocence and peace. So... Let me go." Her posture and her voice were threatening.


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderJeu 30 Mai 2019, 10:39
Do you want to attract their attention ? Emmett asked. By leaving precisly when their delegation patrols the streets you will make yourself noticed. It's a good way to get yourself imprisoned or killed. They might not be happy with their new rulers (although few people openly were), but there were smarts ways to show your distate and then there was whatever these two idiots were doing. Stop calling attention to yourselves. The first armored troops were clamoring nearby.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderJeu 30 Mai 2019, 11:35
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
The man warned them against their suspect behavior but did not stop asking the mother why she wanted to leave this place. With irony, Varsha said: "Oh you're such a hero!" or a traitor. "But why will you even care about her? The further you're from what alarms you and the safer you're, aren't? you" You stupid and coward! With hauteur, Varsha get away from this stupid man and walked to the guards. The exasperation gave her courage. (yup she's stupid)

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderSam 15 Juin 2019, 17:18
Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
This man wasn't stupide and his advices were good. Furaha tightened the Jelani's hand and she smiled him with a frail assurance. "Thank you for your wise words. And..." She never finished her sentence. The other woman was walking against Fire's guards. "What is she doing ? It's suicide !" she hissed nervously.


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderDim 16 Juin 2019, 17:42
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
It was suicide. And if she were lucky and not killed on the spot, it was imprisonment. I don't know. (And I don't care, he thought.) She's a fool. It was not his problem if she wanted to get in trouble, so long as she didn't involve him. Thankfully the well-armed guards had not noticed the girl approach yet. If she got cold feet, she could still turn back.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderSam 22 Juin 2019, 00:24
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Although, a guard noticed the young woman and her Strange clothes, then he stopped her to see her passport. The passport of Fire Nation that she hadn't got. "Follow me please, ma'am." said the woman. "I hope for you that you are not a bender." Then, Varsha of the North Water Tribe stuck out her chest and said : "If I am a bender? No. I am a master of waterbending! I will no follow you. Listen ti me, folks! I will teach you courage!"

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderMar 23 Juil 2019, 13:40
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
The man said the truth : this woman was a fool and her acts were a danger for us. Even if her heart dictated her to help the other woman, she could'nt put in danger her sons. Her marvellous and precious little lion, never. But Jelani didn't agree to run away. "Mama !" he murmured in refusing to advance. "We must help her. We are not cowards. Pleaaase !" Furaha was hesitating, her eyes oscillated between the road and the guards but she could not disappoint her son (and their ancestors) also cruelly ; she attacked by a wave of land, roaring like a lioness.


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderMer 24 Juil 2019, 20:39
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These women have completely lost their minds. That much was clear. Emmett tried to make himself discreet, but unfortunately his worst fears came true. Him too ! Screamed a Fire Nation bender while pointing at his face. They had assumed he was part of their gang of deviant benders. I don't know these women ! He said in self-defense, but it was too late. He could feel the flames lick his limbs. The soldiers were out for blood and Emmett could not defend himself.


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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderSam 27 Juil 2019, 00:36
Varsha did not wait for a response of the woman guard and bent all the water she could for create a shield against firebending of the guards. The fluid ring encircled its waterbender and surround her enemies. “What exactly are you trying to do to benders?” Happily, a wave of land helped her. Meanwhile, her acquaintance were targeted. Varsha created an octopus to repulse men.

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderSam 24 Aoû 2019, 16:57
"Istn't the time to ask questions !" said Furaha at Varsha. Fire benders were too many, they risked to encircle them. She could't let them do that ! "Jelani, in my back !" One eye in her left saw that the unpleasant man was in trouble...aaaand she was too kind to see an innocent dying. A pillar of earth sent flying the fire soldier. "And you, in my back also or run !" Furaha closed her eyes to concentrate : her idea was to create a earth fence on their sides with the Varsha's shield in top and the emergency exit in the back.


The Second to Last Airbender Com_na13
The Second to Last Airbender Blason-Touristonanite2
The Second to Last Airbender Roux10

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Re: The Second to Last AirbenderLun 26 Aoû 2019, 12:12
Incredible. This was all a huge misunderstanding. He worked in favor of the local governments ! This could not be happening to him. And yet... it did. Together, the benders had created a shield of water and earth to protect them from the firebenders' flames. When the earthbender called out to flee, Emmett saw no choice but to obey. There was nowhere he could go ; so he ran.

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