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A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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- Statut du RP : ouvert aux incrustations surprises - c'est la Faille !
- Tour de jeu : Sip - n°2 - n°3
- Délai maximum d'attente de réponse : une semaine
- Sauts de tours : 1
- Autre : RP anglais ! Only English here, guys What a Face

One only had to follow the signs to find A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities. They showed up at the most random of places. Navi, for example, had found one embedded right on his doorstep. The wood looked new, as if it had just been carved out of a tree. Curious, the mage told himself as he bent forward to read the inscription.

*** VISIT "A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities" TODAY ***

Hello, lucky visitor #1. You are hereby cordially invited to The Museum.
Please follow the signs to reach our illustrious entrance and enjoy the amenities.

Curious indeed. He stroked his invisible beard (Navi had no beard and has never had one — he simply enjoyed giving the impression to be deeply absorbed in thought). Well, I ought to do as it says, no ? He had also picked up the nasty habit of speaking to himself. (It's the loneliness, you see.)

Navi quickly grabbed a bunch of items that he stored into his travel bag (a mage never leaves without his potions), then set off on the path towards the so-called Museum. The first sign had not lied : the entrance was easy enough to find. One simply had to follow the signs. He glanced at the mysterious white manor and casually entered through the single red entry door.

Dernière édition par Siparti le Mar 21 Avr 2020, 12:45, édité 1 fois


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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"Okay..." The last syllable rolled on his tongue. He was lost. Really. Completely. Cayden did not remember how he landed in this wood. He was painting and the next second, in one breath, he was eslewhere. And alone. And lost. And affraid, a little. "Somebody is here ? A nice guy, please. Or girl, but nice." But there is only the silence. And a tree carved. The inscription told of a Museum. In the wood ? Strange. Very strange. And the wood is never a good place in fairytales. Howewer he hadn't a choice : nothing behind, a path in front of him. Cayden trembled but he walked and suddently saw a white manor with a red door. "Enjoy..."


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
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Djerin Rashkae
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Djana was looking at the strange door. When she had read the pamphlet, she wasn't expecting a place like this. The bottom of a dark alley. The curiosity being the worst trait of Djana, she pulled the door, her skin fastly switching colors in excitement. How many treasures? How much value? And... How many differents colors would she found in this place? She blinked and, whithout knowing how, ended in a strange and large place, surrounded by... Colors!

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Dear gods. (He would've said "By Shinoki's Beard, but everyone knows Lord Shinoki does not sport a beard. He's far too vain for it. That was Navi's theory at least.) Hum-hum, so : dear gods. What was this place? Navi had been a witness to all kinds of magic throughout the years, but this brand of magic was truly exquisite! As soon as the red door closed behind him, Navi knew he was no longer in the realm of Heavensaw. Indeed not! Heavensaw would never host minds as grand as whomever decided chairs belonged on ceilings. And the paintings! Oooh, the paintings. Who would've guessed the existence of so many colors?


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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He had dare to push the door and timidly look inside. This place was very strange. First: it was lost in the wood. Secondly: the interior was as colorful as the exterior walls were only white. Colors are good. Colors are his friends. So, Cayden came finally in the manor. His claws clicked on the floor and his wings cracked when he shuddered. He moaned : the silence was so big that his sounds were enormous. If this place was dangerous for him, he was not discreet. Wait! Wait a second. It's a painting? A gorgeous painting, before him? "Marvelous!" he said running towards it.


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-menX-menZombielandAlpha PerduAdPChimèresChimèreBruxia
Djerin Rashkae
Messages : 6021
Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
She was looking at the colorfull painting, her body automatically taking the shades of it. Suddenly somebody pumbed in her back, as she was almost invisible in front of the colors mix. Ouch! Be careful! Nonsense to excuse herself for being invisible. She thought hear human voices before. She wasn't mad. At least not on this point...

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Hello fellow travelers. Navi greeted the bird and the octopus. He did not even seem surprised to find them there. Just a man-bird and a (wo)man-octopus chatting casually. Such an everyday occurrence. He bowed deeply. I suppose you are Lucky Visitor #2 and #3 ? These man-animals were far more interesting than the paintings on the wall or the sculptures on their pedestals. If they weren't visitors, surely they were part of the entire experience !


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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His painful ass (because he fell upon his tail feathers) on the floor, Cayden was open-mouthed. A woman octopus ! He was reassured by this vision : she was surely a mutant. "Aow... I'm sorry... very sorry, Lady." He stuttered but his eyes were wide open because this woman octopus was the same colors as the marvelous painting. He was in pain but he didn't moan. He was too astounded by these strange things. And more when a purple-haired man came as if this context was perfectly normal. "Euh... Hello, Sir." The floor was more safe. To fall one time was one time too much. There were too many strange things here.


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-menX-menZombielandAlpha PerduAdPChimèresChimèreBruxia
Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Djana looked the human and the strange shreek with a smirk. Good morning to you... Did you found this place by luck too? Or were you searching for it? About the number... I don't know. I didn't get any more information than the name of the place. And I don't know for you, but I'm amazed.... She glanced around this a color of joy on her face. The grumpy captain made joyfull by the beauty of art.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
Messages : 45452
Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Yes, yes, the art is quite amazing, Navi ousted absentmindedly while waving a thought away. He wasn't even looking at the art. Everything in his body language suggested he was more impressed by the presence of these man-animals than the actual paintings. There was a glint in his eyes that was hard to deny. Why don't you come on up, little bird? Navi asked while extending his hand towards him to help him up.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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"Euh..." Cayden chose to not explain his strang resolve and finally accepted the purple-haired man's hand to get up. "Do you know where we are ? I'm a bit lost..." He stuttered, blushing as a red tomato too ripe. To ask his path at complete strangers like a little child was too many embarrassing. His feathers were strewed on the floor. He was wriggling and looking everythings execpt the two persons in front of him.


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-menX-menZombielandAlpha PerduAdPChimèresChimèreBruxia
Djerin Rashkae
Messages : 6021
Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
In a museum obviously... About the where is the place... I think it's a bit less easy to answer. Not like you should care yet. She showed him the immensity of the place around them. Enjoy! Not like you visit this kind of place everydays... She took a glance at a far away statue representing a "violent" scene between a squid and some others aliens. But seeing your age... You should stay on this side of the exposition yet...

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Correction pour Dje:

The octopus is right, Navi confirmed as if he was somehow the authority on this place and everything it contained. This is a museum. One of powerful magic, clearly. The paintings looked so lifelike he could almost imagine himself walking right through them.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
Cayden winced keeping a careful silence. He knew that they were in a art museum. His ask concerned the place of this museum (and also of the woods). But he understood that this guys didn't know where they were. The young man looked the other painthings. One of them attracted his eyes and he got closer with a mouth opening on a stunned cry. The colors were wonderful ! And the fantastic movements were so realistic. He caressed the painting... and screamed stronger. The canvas had smallowed his hand ! And his arm ! And shortly all of his body if nobody helped him. "Help ! The painting is eating me !"


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-menX-menZombielandAlpha PerduAdPChimèresChimèreBruxia
Djerin Rashkae
Messages : 6021
Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Holding a few unmovables objects around with her tentacles, Djana used the two longest to catch the young Shreek, pulling him out of the painting. The painting was almost as strong than the Nemian and she groaned in effort, hoping she wouldn't rip the shoulder of the poor bird apart. I wouldn't say no to an helping hand... She glanced at the human, awating to see what he would do.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Correction pour Djerin:

Navi, as usual, did the unexpected. Instead of offering a helping hand (something the octopus-woman was clearly asking for), he decided it was wiser to give her a big, old shove. That's all it took, really. One shove, and BAM. All three of them were swallowed by the painting. Weeeeeeeee ! fun Surely this is what the museum had meant for them to do, no? Quite an experience!


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
In first time, Cayden hoped he was saved. The octopus woman helped him and, even if her act was hurting his arm, he thought he will soon be out of the canvas. But noooo ! The other man, with a strange spirit, determined to visit the painting and shoved them inside. Cayden screamed in his horror but his cry was swallowed in same moment of his body. They fell during long seconds. His wings didn't helped him : he couldn't use them. The landing was rough ; he moaned getting up to looked around him. The museum was became a green and infinate meadow. "Okay... Where we are, now ?"


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-menX-menZombielandAlpha PerduAdPChimèresChimèreBruxia
Djerin Rashkae
Messages : 6021
Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Djana was looking the human with a jaded face. Typicaly human... I hope for ou there is a way out. Or I promise to carve one in your own body... After this subtle threat, she took the time to look around, seeking for any kind of landmark. Nothing. Just an immensity of an agressive green. I won't say we're fucked.... But right here, I miss my ship... A lot.


Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
Messages : 45452
Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Correction pour Djerin:

Such aggression! Truly unnecessary if you asked Navi. But then again, nobody was asking him anything. Unless that BirdBoy had been talking to him when he wondered where they had ended up. I believe, my dear, we are in that painting that tried to gobble you up. Navi replied matter-of-factly. As to the OctopusWoman's request... And as such, we won't need a ship here. It's a meadow! A big, beautiful, green meadow. No oceans here. Not that I can see. He still squinted, as if an ocean might appear in the distance if he focused long enough.


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeCayden Cholena (18)Anoushka (8)Raz'Sha (35)Mikhaïl (30)Viholvärakuuna (777)Rosario (26)Kishareera (15)Nuwarëliya (37)Leif (28)Faélàn (70)
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenChimAPChim AdPX-MenAPAdPZomzomPico.Lockwood
Maître Nanite
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Crédit avatar : kipine.deviantart.com
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Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
Cayden was open-mouthed (again). "Into the painting ... Really?" He had a thoughtful face then he greatly smiled. "It's amazing! A painting! Into the painting!" He jumped on the spot, excited despite his fear. "A painting!" he repeated with an exalted voice. "Do you think that I can paint?" he asked, getting of his bag a paintbrush. "I have also several pots of paint. Blue, green, red, purple, pink, yellow, orange, black, white and others ... "His voice was clearly dreamy (he thought he was dreaming ... it was the only logical answer at this strange situation).


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
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Djerin Rashkae
Messages : 6021
Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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She looked at the human and shrugged. Anyway. That's a spaceship you medieval punk.... It fly accross the sky. She approached the shreek with curiosity. As the painting seem to be our new reality, I suppose your paint can modify it? Like drawing a meal will make it real? Cause I'm a bit hungry right there, and I wouldn't mind a cookie or a... She holded back the word "poultry" to avoid any diplomatic incidend with a bird.


Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Correction pour Djerin:

Ooooh, an interesting thought experiment. Navi clapped his hands like a child, excited at the prospect of changing reality. Magic sort of allowed him to do the same, but it still felt tangibly different from whatever they were about to explore. Please try!


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"Okay..." he timidly answered. "I will try to paint a... a tree ? And a meal." The tree was easy, he had painted a lot of trees before and after his mutation, with fingers and  claws. His wings carried him while he was flying and swirling in a colorful ballet. Greens and browns and more shadings. And the magic happened ! A majestic tree appeared in front of them. Cayden stopped his movments and looked it open-mouthed. "I succeeded !" He was very happy of this success. Really ! So, he was less intimidated to draw a meal... for birds : grains, fruits and honey. "Soooo... Do you think this is good ?"


A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Com_na13
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Blason-Touristonanite2
A Museum of Splendor and Curiosities Roux10
Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-menX-menZombielandAlpha PerduAdPChimèresChimèreBruxia
Djerin Rashkae
Messages : 6021
Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)

For the first time in a long period, Djana was surprised... And unable tu hide it. The jaw on the knees, she was so occupied looking at the tree who just poped out in front of her face than she almost missed the meal the shreek offered her. Grunting internally facing the lack of meat (surprising from a birdy), the ravished a fruit, took a bite.... And spitted it immediately. Yurk! Taste like paint! I hope it's not a lead-based one.... I think a swallowed a bit of it.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeDalton (24)Emmett (41)Navi (?)Zenkûga (54)Jem (21)Ryot (28)Oksana (25)Pasha (23)Pavel (35)J'hésite
Nano. MondeNano. MondeX-MenX-MenADPADPZombielandAlpha PerduChimèresChimèresChimèresLockwood
La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
Messages : 45452
Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Correction pour Djerin:

The tree was certainly impressive. Not as impressive as watching Birdman work, but the end result was quite beautiful. Navi nodded with excitement and gave the boy a big thumb's up. Great work on the tree. Thankfully the OctopusLady had already attempted the so-called meal. Maybe your food still needs some refinement though. Perhaps I could be of assistance? He folded back his sleeves and wiggled his fingers to make the paint-covered meals edible with his own brand of magic.

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