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Welcome to the crazy world !

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Welcome to the crazy world !Lun 23 Avr 2018, 19:13

Welcome to the crazy world !

The sun was luminous and there was a fresh wind.In the grass, a little lizard was running between the trees. The river was coming down the mountain, dancing with the fishs. In the sky the birds were flying in the midst of dragons and hidden fairies were singing for the summer.
In this world, magic is everywhere. Magician is a job like another, becoming knight is the dream of all kids. There are different races like elves, goblins, dwarfs.. and don't forget humans. ..

In the middle of this landscape, Agnes was standing. She was lost far away from her home. In the road between the city and her home, she was attacked by ravens, chased by a polecat and after that she followed a pink rabbit in the forest. A crazy story. But this is why she is lost in the middle of the forest, alone.

Scaryed and tired, she sat under a tree and begined to cry.
Djerin Rashkae

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Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mar 24 Avr 2018, 00:41
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Nati the dwarf, chief engineer at the Dinkel's workshop, was strolling along the forest, looking from right to left and her ears wide open. From her small and large body, she couldn't see very far so she was searching for some crying idiot. Hearing some tears, she sneaked on a noisy human. Hey! She jumped out of a bush. Could you complain silently? I'm searching somebody here! She stopped to think a second, scratching her head with her hammer. By the way, didn't you see some flying balloon with a yelling idiot of a test pilot tied up under it? I'm searching for the wreckage.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mar 24 Avr 2018, 12:48
Unlike a normal human being, Pasha was perched on the branch of a tree, high above ground. Despite his bright red hair, you could hardly see him up in the greenery. Now, what is a grown man doing up in the trees? you might ask. Hunting, I'd say. Stalking his prey. Unfortunately, crying maidens and loud dwarves were spoiling the endeavor. It is quite a challenge to hunt with such petty distractions.

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Sam 28 Avr 2018, 16:06
Agnes looked up et saw a little woman, maybe a dwarf, but she wasn't sure, she never saw dwarfs before. She didn't seem here for helping her on the contrary, she asked her to be quiet. Agnes snorted. No I didn't see anything.. but I'm lost.. Could you help me ? I don't want stay the night in the wood.. And she begined to cry again.

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Jeu 03 Mai 2018, 13:41
Tsssk. There she was, wailing again. She's gonna scare away all the animals with that racket (if it hadn't happened already). Pasha wasn't a people person and didn't exactly feel like mingling... but sometimes you have no choice. Hey! he called from up in the tree, not sure where he was going with this. Stop.

Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
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Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Jeu 03 Mai 2018, 17:10
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Before she can even anwser, Nati startled because of a yell in the trees. This place just is filled in damn humans... Great. HEY! You bush eater hidden creep! Have you seen my balloon?! There was still hope to save part of the wreckage for the next one. She smirked with an idea. You're lost you said? Perfect, help me find my stuff and I help you find your way. Deal? She offered her large and heavy gloved hand to the noisy human. Just stop crying.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Dim 06 Mai 2018, 10:23
Agnes looked up, a man watched them. Maybe he may help her ? She was going to ask when the dwarf made her a proposal. Agnes nodded and took her hand. She hadn't nothing to loose, on the contrary, she would make anything for help. She snorted and tried to hold her tear. O-ook... yes... just don't let me alone... Her voice trembled.

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Lun 07 Mai 2018, 14:53
What's a balloon ? It sure would be helpful to figure out what it was to determine whether he saw it. Pasha jumped down the tree, his bright orange hair flowing behind him as he lands. The crossbow he carried left no room for doubt : he's a hunter.

Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
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Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Lun 07 Mai 2018, 22:08
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Nati sighed, rolling eyes facing this lack of knowledges. A balloon is a large and spherical piece of cloth, filled with gaz or hot air, flying in the sky in the intent of reaching far distances in a short span of time, avoiding the roads, the montains and anything who could block the way. Easier now? The whinny human was almost crying again on her shoulder so she took a step away.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Jeu 10 Mai 2018, 21:01
Agnes wiped her eyes and shook her head. No I'm sorry... I didn't see your.. balloon. She asked herself if this transport wasn't dangerous.. Flying in the sky, he must be crazy for willing to get in this thing. The earth was enough dangerous like that but the sky (and the sea) were worst. She looked the human and was thinking who was the most safe : a human hunter or a crazy dwarf.

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Ven 11 Mai 2018, 22:12
Well I saw something fly overhead earlier, but I thought it was a dragon. Who would even think of a balloon? And why would anyone want to fly? Humans were meant to stay on land, with both their feet on solid ground. Pasha would never set foot on one of these spherical fly-things.

Djerin Rashkae

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSiegfried, 27 ansSky, 31 ansSaukko, 27 ansDjana, 31 ansKhael, 23 ansPeter, 17 ansDimitri, 26 ansNati, 19 ans
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Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Sam 12 Mai 2018, 18:03
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
How could you confound a balloon and a dragon? She was blinking with surprise. First of all, the speed isn't the same, second, the size and the presence or not of wings and... That's nonsense! She scratched her head in an intense thinking. Well... I suppose I don't have any more choices than going back on my researches. I would like to save at least some pieces of the engine.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Dim 13 Mai 2018, 16:24
Agnes curled up on herself and looked down. With a little voice, she asked again to the dwarf : but.. you will help me to get out of this forest ? She turned to the human and she approached him : Or maybe you ? I haven't any money to pay now but...  She thought and grimaced, she hasn't nothing.

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Dim 13 Mai 2018, 19:34
Réputation du message : 100% (2 votes)
Maybe it was the word "money", maybe it wasn't. Not that she was greedy, but as a merchant, you're obviously interested in money, right? Or at least in selling things. Tomayto tomahto. The thing is: she was there, getting through the forest to reach new customers in the next village, then she overheard the word "money". Even thought there was "haven't any" right before. The girl didn't sound like to be alone, so you never know. July left the path and made her way towards the voices. Not exactly easy peasy when you carry a big hawker's backpack.


Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10
Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_11

Welcome to the crazy world ! Poi_ro10

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mar 15 Mai 2018, 23:06
Listen, girl. Pasha started. Money ain't the problem here. It's the noise you're making. Simmer down. You're scaring the prey away, and as you may know, a hunter needs prey to earn his living. So... I guess what I'm saying is that money is precisely the problem actually and... I lost track of my thoughts. What was my point ?

Djerin Rashkae

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Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mer 16 Mai 2018, 22:55
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Than you're a bit clumsy in your explanations... And lacking money visibly. Nati hoped nobody would try to ask her for money. As a dwarf it was almost criminal to take her gold... She turned her head to the newcomer. Damn, it's an invasion here. How many peoples are hiding in these bushes? I've the feeling than an army could be there under our noses...

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Dim 20 Mai 2018, 15:14
Agnes's eyes were glowing when a new person came. One more person who may be able to help her because apparently nobody is available to take her out of the forest. She was listening  the other talking and asked again.. Please, I want to go home before the night... Her voice was supplicating.

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Dim 20 Mai 2018, 19:07
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Not my lucky day, I guess. July was very disappointed. First, the dwarf who would never buy anything. Super great (not). Then the penniless crying girl. Fairly useless. And finally, the hunter: maybe better at hunting than speaking, huh? He was her best chance to do business. Hello strollers! To the hunter: I have a Silence Charm back there. Interested?


Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10
Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_11

Welcome to the crazy world ! Poi_ro10

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Lun 21 Mai 2018, 11:14
Another suspicious person showed up. A merchant by the looks of it. Even more suspicious... For free? Pasha asked with a tactfully raised eyebrow.


Djerin Rashkae

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Djerin Rashkae
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Crédit avatar : Stanouche
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mar 22 Mai 2018, 19:55
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
Even worst at understanding than talking. The word selling alway imply a monetary transaction... A dwarf birth with that knowledge in the blood... She turned back to the crying girl. So we got a deal? You help me find my stuff and I lead you out of this forest afterward... You could even win a few coins... If you show yourself to be useful. This was a pure lie. She'll never give a single piece to this girl.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)
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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Jeu 24 Mai 2018, 12:54
Agnes wasn't interested by money but she just answered Y-yes... But, how can I help you to find your stuff ? She hoped that the dwarf will keep her word... And


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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Ven 25 Mai 2018, 23:55
What she said. She pointed at Nati. July stared at the hunter without any sign of judgment. In years of door-to-door (more village-to-village) selling, she had met so many dumb people that she wasn't expecting much of anybody. Or any kind. Story short, she once met a dwarf (don't tell this to the short girl over there) dumber than a troll. Soooo... You know. No judgment. Four crowns. Three if you get me my lunch! And that was a hell of a special treatment considering the price of a meal in the area.

Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_10
Welcome to the crazy world ! Alyaa_11

Welcome to the crazy world ! Poi_ro10

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Sam 26 Mai 2018, 16:51
Forget it. If I manage to catch the beast I was looking for, I'll make a hundred times that amount. But he needed his mojo back for that. And to get his mojo back, he needed peace and quiet. Thus... I can point you guys in the right direction. Pasha offered, as he saw which way the balloon flew off in.

Djerin Rashkae

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mar 29 Mai 2018, 00:11
Nati looked the hunter with a suspicious look. Wasn't it a dragon you saw? In this case I don't think you'll be helpful... Three or fout hundred crowns. That could be interesting to help her project. The only thing to do was double crossing this... Unwise human. Easy thing. But still was the deal with the loud crier. And honor can be more important than gold.

Et au fait, c'est "Djerin" et pas "Djérin" (Même si le é se prononce, il ne s'écrit pas)

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Re: Welcome to the crazy world !Mar 29 Mai 2018, 23:56
No, I said I thought it was. Pasha specified. He had seen a large, round shadow. A fat dragon, he had assumed, as he never heard of balloons and dragons were the only logical explanation for spherical flying shapes.

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