
The Last Airbender


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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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The Last AirbenderDim 18 Juin 2017, 20:58
Réputation du message : 100% (1 vote)
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- Tour de jeu : Sip - Amo - Caillou (et puis les autres si quelqu'un s'ajoute)
- Délai maximum d'attente de réponse : 10 jours
- Nombre de sauts de tours autorisés avant que le délai d'attente ne soit plus pris en compte pour le joueur attendu : 1
- Autre : RP en anglais ! Situé dans l'univers de Avatar: The Last Airbender donc une certaine connaissance du contexte est requise. Les personnages sont nés dans l'une des trois civilisations (feu, terre, eau), mais ne sont pas nécessairement maître d'un des éléments. L'histoire se déroule à Gaoling dans le Royaume de la Terre en 100 AG (After Air Nomad Genocide, le début de la guerre).

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished...

At least, that's what people say. Rumor has it the Avatar is back, but Navi wasn't holding his breath. Rumors also has it that dragons are not actually extinct, and everyone knows that General Iroh killed the last dragon two years ago. Well, everyone in the Fire Nation knew at least. Indeed, despite having lived in Gaoling for the past year, Navi was not from the Earth Kingdom (contrary to what he might tell his customers). He had in fact left his village about seven years ago, when Fire Nation soldiers passed through to recruit able-bodied men. Despite the doctrines and nationalist teachings of his school, Navi had never been a fan of the whole "imperialistic war marches" and "territorial occupations". He was a man of the finer arts. He enjoyed theater, dancing and singing. He liked jewelry and clothes. He was a creative mind trapped in a rigid nation that withheld him from self-expression. So when he got wind of the fact that recruiting officers would be knocking on the door of his parental house, Navi had fled eastward to the Earth Kingdom.

Today coincidentally marks the two-month anniversary of the opening of his perfumery. He might be known in town as the local eccentric, but that hasn't stopped him from selling wonderful scents and fragrances. And lord knows these people needed it ! They seriously stank.

Dernière édition par Siparti le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 23:12, édité 2 fois



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Re: The Last AirbenderMer 27 Sep 2017, 18:04
In the shadows, I'm listening. Wanted posters, huh? I don't think I'd be in one of those, they are for criminals, not little runaways stealing rotten apples in the inn's duster. But you never know and I, for once, stay put, prudently awaiting both their departure and the adult's reaction.

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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeSara (23 ans)Ian (58 ans)Lifen (29 ans)
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Re: The Last AirbenderMer 27 Sep 2017, 19:25
Lifen gave a small, polite nod back, relieved. She was not in trouble. How could she have been? Her work was well done. It had to be well done. She noticed the shop owner's discomfort but no expression came on her cold face. Meeting guards in the streets was comforting; seeing them anywhere else, especially in one's property, often raised concern and worries. She noticed the little monkey was not bragging about her perfume knowledge anymore. In fact, the girl was nowhere to be seen.

The Last Airbender - Page 2 Bla_caillou

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La soudoyée ¤ Assassin privée de Kami-sama
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Re: The Last AirbenderJeu 28 Sep 2017, 13:56
Good. Fine day to you then ! They greeted both Navi and Lifen again, then left. Navi let out a small sigh of relief. Goodness. He smiled gently. Where were we ? Even though he was itching to check whether there was a wanted poster for him in that stack, he knew he'd have to wait until his customers were gone. Pick a damn perfume bottle, lady !


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Prénom & âgePrénom & âgeTalfryn (16)Lyov (38 ans)Sylomen (27)Esfir (17)Daniel (35)Rwdhr (23)Astrid (07)
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Crédit avatar : Amorgein
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Re: The Last AirbenderMar 10 Oct 2017, 23:09
I don't know where they are but I do know where I wanna be. Not near any soldier. So. As long as they are in the streets, I'll be here if you don't mind and even if you do. With Naavi busy again, I lurk outside my shadow, discreetly trying to pinch the poster, hoping I won't be seeing my beautiful face in them.

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