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I’ve read enough creepypastas to know where this is going.

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- Statut du RP : privé i guess ? :d
- Tour de jeu : //
- Délai maximum d'attente de réponse : hmm, deux semaines ?
- Autre : yes.

Don't you hate it when you wake up and end up not knowing where you are ?
I don’t. It’s one of my favorite pure bliss moment, actually ; you basically forget about everything that's a big deal. Like the fact that you are in a zombie apocalypse. Shit I remember that. Great, now it’s ruined.

… I still have no clue about this place though. No clue at all.

Although it does look like a living room, and an old-fashioned one that is ; chimney made of visible bricks, velvet curtains (there's a dusty beam of light passing throught, so I assume It’s morning – at least I know when I am) ; and a gloomy decoration (weird-ass looking portraits and two skulls in the shelves) ; did I mention the number of books in here ? No I didn’t because it would take a while to count them.

I left the bearskin carpet (where I was sitting) to get close to the shelves, I reached for one random book aaand… it was gibberish. I tried my luck with two more but they were also written in a foreign language. When I went to take a look out the window, the sight was poor as fuck. Only grass, that’s it. I couldn’t open the window, and I’m not dumb enough to break it, the smash could wake up the deads.

It was clearly a home, or maybe a mansion ; he’d have to explore it to know for sure.

I'm usually slow at waking up but, I’m little too conscious at this point to not remember anything related to this location and…an–

And he sneezed really loud. It was really dusty in here.

Dernière édition par Reck le Mer 05 Déc 2018, 20:33, édité 2 fois


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Imagine this: A father hands his daughter a big box for Christmas. It's wrapped in shiny paper and a huge red bow decorates the lid. The little girl is glowing with glee. She's never had a big box like this before. Her father smiles broadly as he sets it down and the box begins to crawl across the floor. The girl can't hide her surprise. She lifts the lid, and sets her blue eyes onto whatever made the box move. Her little hands dive in. She cannot contain her happiness. A puppy! A real puppy! She's always wanted a p— then her dad shoots it dead. Her expression in the three seconds following this event is the expression Ryot is wearing right now. Why are you taking away the puppy, Serah?

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Because the puppy is a cake. And the cake is a lie. And it makes him more creepy than anything else, the puppy face he's making I mean. Or maybe it's the fact that he's looking at me that is creeping me out. Wait isn't he supposed to look at "THE FUCKIN ROAD!"

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Oh. Oh yeah he was. I hit the brakes hard enough to cause non-fastened passengers to fly out of the windshields. Thankfully everyone is wearing seat belts here. I made them. Him. The car stopped in the middle of the highway at exactly the right moment. There's a giant traffic jam. No way to get through this. Is this the time for a little music and deep conversation?

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My fingers are clinging to the seat, I'm frowning. He managed to not kill us, I still ain't happy.
Neither I am feeling glad.
And I got nothing in the bag, but swear words. A lot of swear words.
"Fucking hell, man." I'm not gonna ask him who taugh him to drive.
It's night, so at least we won't burn under the sun, nor will the car. I sigh and try the radio to break out the awkward silence.

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There seems to be a lot of old music coming out of that radio. The channels, one by one, deal with traditional human music. I think I recognized Britney Spears at some point. Um so... The best thing to do when there's a reigning awkward silence is making it more awkward by talking about awkward subjects. Do you have kids ?

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I look at him, jaded.
Then just decided to not answer, turning my head the other way to look out of the window.
"Do you ?"

Dernière édition par Reck le Dim 25 Déc 2016, 23:41, édité 1 fois

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Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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No way. Hey, he hadn't answered though. Maybe he did have kids. Maybe his kids were dead. Maybe I just asked him about his dead kids and he's so sad right now and I probably brought up some really painful memories. Dammit, me. Why did I ask about his dead kids? Oh and why did I answer so harshly. What if he starts crying? Are there any tissues in the car?

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I'm pretty sure If I could read minds, I'd be even more jaded by his thoughts right now.
" Good. Don't procreate, dude. Just don't. " Would save a lot of trouble for you (and for us).
Brittney is still at it. I try to change the radio frequence but regret it almost instantanly. Now I can't even find the last station we were tuned to. Don't you hate it when that happens too.
Now it's awkward with white noises, hooray. " Dammit... "

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Crédit avatar : svnddlsnts
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Oh. That makes me sleepy. It's true. It reminds me of the humming of a ship. I used to sleep in a pretty cramped and small compartment near the ship's engines — my father used to say it's what turned me bald, the radiation, but I don't know if he was serious cos' he said all kinds of shit — so now it kinda just... makes me drift away.

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"This makes you sleepy ? " What kind of twisted Pavlov experiment this guy has been throught. "Whatever, gimme the wheel and go to sleep then." I'm not being nice. I'm just not giving him a second chance to kill us."Oh wait, I can't. Shit." Forgot my arm is kinda still broken. Aha, I found another radio station. There's an advertisement about a toothepaste going on. I remember this one. Finally something familiar.

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It wouldn't really matter who's behind the wheel anyway. The traffic jam doesn't seem to have moved an inch since 10 minutes ago. What if there's a problem they can't see yet? Or maybe it's the cops. Search-and-rescue? Do you think we should walk?

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"And leave the car behind ? You batshit crazy." Honestly ? After all the fuckstorm that happend to us, being stuck in a trafic jam is the closest I can get of a break, or a "normal" moment. It's reassuring, I'm not complaining but... "Hold on." But, I'm not a patient person so I got out of the car and managed to get on the roof. "...I see nothing." Nothing more than the biggest ass queue i've seen in my life. Maybe we really have to abondon the ship... "Oh it's moving." ...by an inch.

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I wondered what the other drivers were doing. It's honestly not that natural for people to just sit in their cars and be quiet. Especially for humans and teluns. Far more normal for them to be like Serah. Standing on cars and yelling shit. This is why ships are better... Cars are stuck to the ground. They suck.

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They do seem too polite to be real - the drivers I mean. But what is real anymore ? I'm at that point where I wouldn't bat an eye if they suddenly got out of their cars and broke out on a musical.
As I reached the ground again, the radio switched on a man talking about an... Iguea ? Ninguea ? Ginea ? Something that has escaped the "alpha facility" (whatever that is). He said that the road to the Neo-beach is now blocked untill the alert is lifted. I lean against the door to another driver : Hey mam', is that the Neo-beach road ? She confirmed. The radio man also mentioned two fugitifs that look hella like us as he described them. She's looking at us funnnily now. Well...that's awkward.

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See, this is precisely the sort of situation they should avoid. Um... Serah... We should get out of here is what he wants to say. But instead he just stammers something unintelligible, because the old lady isn't the only one looking at them suspiciously. Crap. Why does this feel like the calm before the storm ? Ryot half expects everyone to suddenly jump out of their cars and aggressively start chasing them. ... please lets go.

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Riot tried to blurt out something, maybe he tried to say hello to the lady. Oh wait no, he wants to go. Wait, am I really the only one not worried about the situ--... oh shit, other drivers are looking at us too. Shit. Why am I still not worried. Have I emptied my care quota for the day ? Have I reached my limit ? The ultimate no-fuck-to-give state ?
...Can I stay like that for the rest of my life pretty please ? Yeah... well... if ya want. You got the wheel.

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But there's no way out... Trapped on a highway. Exactly the sort of situation you don't wanna be in when cops are looking for you (at least that's what he assumed was going on). Can we go on foot? Again: pretty please?

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This is not okay. Why must life bless me wih little things like a convenient car just to enjoy snatching it away from me an instant after ? I'm still not feeling threatned, but then again, maybe my brain has just shut down for a while... guess i'll have to trust Riot's brain. I'll probably regret this later. I always regret the decisions that I don't take (also the ones I take, but eh, you got my point). Fucking hell, man... I sigh then manage to take the map with me while getting recluently out of the car.

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I see he's reluctant, but Serah has never really shown much enthusiasm anyway. He's loud sometimes and pretty aggressive, but that's pretty much it. Good thinking for the map, I manage to say inside my head. Pretty sure he'd give me a smack if I said it out loud. Or perhaps not. Perhaps he likes compliments. Too late now. We've reached the side of the high way. I climb over the concrete structure that separates the road from the outside world. Neo-beach, I repeat, trying to think. Do you think it's safer there ?

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I'm already regretting my decision. You know, I open the map on the structure to take a good look at it. If you were a horror movie character you'd be the one ignoring all the warning signs and doing the most stupid shit yet end up surviving while your friends die a horrible death. Most of the localisation on the map are numbers. That's weird.

Dernière édition par Reck le Ven 19 Mai 2017, 10:05, édité 1 fois

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Why did he say that? I scratch my head, confused. I guess it was a dumb question. I don't get why, but I won't ask for an explanation out of fear of seeming even dumber. The last thing I need is Serah looking down on me even more. I doubt it's even possible anyway. Then where should we go ? And what should we do?

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I probably look smart, looking throughtflly at that map, but I can assure you I have no idea what I'm doing. I finally sat down on the structure - I know, I gave up too quickly. I don't know. I'm tired. I don't even know where we are on this freaking map. I sigh, scratching my bandaged forarm and trying to think. If I was a fugitif that has to avoid civilisation, where would I go ?...

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Probably a cabin in the woods or somethin', I mutter. Or other abandoned places. Not the one we came from, though. Serah was way too scared there. I was thinking more like an empty mine. Or a space station that hadn't seen life in months. Somewhere isolated without people.

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Huh. I guess ? I still have no idea how I ended up in this universe, but you know what ? I might as well roll with it. It's not like I have a choice anyway, life won't bend for you even if you break on a tantrum (i learned that from my mom). I take a look at the map again, thoughtfully this time. Well if this is the highway we're on, neo-beach is right here and... there's a lake just here, not far from the woods. Tifanny's Lake.

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What's a Tiffany. I don't know why I'm asking. Serah probably knows as much as I do (that is to say : nothing). A lake and woods, though. It sounds pretty likely there's cabins there too. Do we go to the lake or to the beach ?

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